Austin, Texas

I have a Gameboy Color (pink) that has the following mods up for trade:

-ProSound Original Headphone Jack
-ProSound RCA Outputs
-Internal PS/2 Keyboard Jack
-Replaced original red power LED with orange LED

I am also in the process of adding the following mods:

-Variable Clock Speed Knob (Pitch Control)
-Front Light for Screen
-Custom Paint Job (at buyer/traders request)

I am looking to get a good trade (I am looking to trade for ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING used to make chiptune music) but I will be willing to sell it for $185 (yes, I KNOW THIS IS A RIDICULOUS PRICE YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REMIND ME, I AM LOOKING TO TRADE, IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO TRADE YOU CAN EITHER PAY MY RIDICULOUS PRICE OR NOT GET THE GB). I live in the U.S. and prefer U.S. offers but will consider foreign offers. I can be reached here on or at

Here's a test video for the internal ps/2 keyboard jack, you can also see the RCA outputs, orange LED, and hole in front where the knob for the variable clock speed will go,


Last edited by Hunterizzle (Mar 14, 2011 6:40 pm)


What kind of tool did you use to make the holes?

Austin, Texas

I used a carving knife, sorry about it looking a little frankenstein-ish but I will post photos of the finished product asap and it will look a lot better.


Just some friendly advice... You may want to invest in a dremel if you're going to be asking that kind of price for a mod.

Austin, Texas

Yes I know I desperately need a dremel, I'm asking for so much because I personally have never seen a GBC with all of those mods crammed into it, and like I said before the video is not of the completed gameboy

Hunterizzle wrote:


Hunterizzle wrote:

I used a carving knife

Hunterizzle wrote:

mods crammed into it

Austin, Texas

Gee thanks, just trying to make a little bit of money, asshole.

Milwaukee, WI

Don't be hating on Emar.  Your prices are completely stupid.  Calling someone an asshole on here is a quick way to make enemies. 

P.S. These forums aren't for making money.


sorry for the sarcasm..... i spend hours to  days on my mods and take pride in them so it offends me to see such a lazy job being potentially sold at such a high price to someone who could use the money to learn to use a dremel and soldering iron on their own

Austin, Texas

To be honest I'm really looking to trade for other chiptune items rather than to sell but I've been told I have to include some sort of price. I based my price off of all the cost for parts, the long hours I've spent working on it, and by what I've seen similar items sell for on ebay and other websites. If you don't like the price YOU CAN TRADE. I'm not looking to make any enemies here but it pisses me off that someone would just purposely try to sabotage me.

Austin, Texas
Emar wrote:

sorry for the sarcasm..... i spend hours to  days on my mods and take pride in them so it offends me to see such a lazy job being potentially sold at such a high price to someone who could use the money to learn to use a dremel and soldering iron on their own

I have spent hours upon hours upon hours working on this gameboy (do you know how hard and how long it takes to make a hole in a gb with a little tiny carving knife???), so don't fucking call me lazy. And like I have already said YOU CAN TRADE.


If you're in it for money, you're going to be very disappointed. You can be stocking shelves making 20 times the amount of money you'd make from gameboys. I'm currently down around 1k from the amount of money I've invested into my mod service.

I recently did a mod that took me around a month to finish, but I sold it for $130. Realistically, it should have been around $400.00 for how much work I put into it, but you can't ask someone to pay that kind of price for a gameboy.

It's pretty pretentious to question someone's pricing. I hate when people do it to me, so I didn't want to say anything.  Just, you really need to use the proper tools to be selling for that price. Otherwise you're going to have very angry customers leaving you negative feedback and demanding a refund.

Last edited by Apeshit (Mar 13, 2011 12:00 am)

Austin, Texas

Can I just change it to simply "For Trade Only" or do I have to list a price? I'd really rather just trade it.


I think the rule of having to list a price is just to avoid people from coming on here just to appraise their items.

It is a rule that you're only supposed to have one for sale thread at a time, however. Not three.

Last edited by Apeshit (Mar 13, 2011 12:08 am)

Austin, Texas

ok i think i fixed the post to where people will understand a little better