
Hi all,

Since there is such a big remix and cover culture here, I'm assuming this is the ideal place to get input for the following: we're a small bunch of musicians based in Europe trying to pull out a new musical entity entirely based on co-owning songs. Basically, we describe ourselves as an "open-label" or "open-band"; the project is called Eucaryote and you are free to cover, remix, perform or create music under this name.

We're really hoping to gather people who've left their dreams of rock-stardom behind but rather care about music and want it to be free (of format, of its industry etc...) so this can become a real attempt at creating an open-source music model. We feel this is a natural progression for all labels.

Although the music you'll hear from us now is chip-based, we're about true musical exploration and hope to gather very different sonorities.

As we're just starting, our current model for releases is that each song is a podcast which will update every time a new version of the song is added. You can see this in action on our test-site here: - your contributions will be added and marked as new song modules - see example here: so the song artwork will also grow visually.

That's it; please get in touch with us at and don't forget to ask tons of questions!

Cambridge, MA

This is actually a pretty cool concept. Best of luck in your endeavors! I might have to try contributing something...

BetaSynapse wrote:

This is actually a pretty cool concept. Best of luck in your endeavors! I might have to try contributing something...

Thanks man smile We have a few gigs coming up in Amsterdam and would be really happy to start playing contributors' tunes (that's the whole point of this project). So please go ahead and make  Eucaryote as much yours as ours.


This sounds really cool, a optional spot for lyrics and chords (etc) would be nice though smile

Octothorpe wrote:

This sounds really cool, a optional spot for lyrics and chords (etc) would be nice though smile

Indeed! for now we just exchange stems and lyrics and stuffs via a mailing list but we'll create a "raw materials" section online as soon as bit more people are involved. Just drop a mail to  > info AT eucaryote DOT org if you need anything big_smile


VERY interesting idea, I might get involved with this if I have some time over summer. Agreed some means for working on new versions aside from just going by ear would be helpful (midis, chord sheets, lyrics, y'know that sort of thing). I'm interested to see how this turns out.



Last edited by E U C A R Y O T E (Mar 20, 2011 11:38 pm)


(woops, sorry for the accidental reposts)

Last edited by E U C A R Y O T E (Mar 20, 2011 11:39 pm)


Please get involved! big_smile And we're also curious to see how it will turn out; basically, from here, there are two possible outcomes: either we sit down and cry in a corner because most musicians are too vain, or, we have a bunch of acts performing under the same name and a decent community to write and re-write good tunes... the latter'd be fun!


My only concern is the idea that every track is published without any means of quality control; it could very quickly destroy any sort of name that others are trying to build up. The idea of instilling quality control is equally difficult, but I guess we'll just have to see how it goes. I'd also highly recommend that you go and seek out some artists of different genres and mediums to fill out your starting repertoire (Asking specific members of the community that you respect, rather than a blanket call). This will get a good variety of strong tracks for others to build off of, listening through the tracks that are there they all seem to be a very specific sub-genre of chip which will very tightly limit the sort of people you'll get interested in the project.


Thanks for the input and ideas. You're right on that we're not going to get far by just opening the door and waiting; guess this is going to require good musician-courting talents smile Some of us believe the project will get better attention through playing gigs; we do have a few coming up and the prospect of a mini-tour at some point this year.

And very interesting point on "quality control". We believe in a wiki-like form control, through debate etc.. Songs that you want to submit for release have to be sent to this address: - and of course, this address catches all members smile who basically need to be constructively critical, or remain silent. It would probably be the most effective way of establishing a quality standard, or just sucking altogether big_smile


(shit, I really have to stop with my smileyophilia)


Hit me Up on Pm dude I have been looking to collaborate with an actual musician doing a chip/rockie deal. More for fun and to see how it will sound when its my weird music being played with. We can do this for shiz dude please hit me up and I can send you some nsf files to play with.