it seems that any song with the title "untitled" creates an error 404 when you try to access the uploaded track's page.
it happened with a couple of songs that i can see, including one of my own.
It's an intentional bug to force you to title your songs.
i would upload the file again, with a new name, but it says the file is already on record, even after changin the i cant =/ is that part a bug? =/
Delete and reup the file with another non usual name, maybe with your alias in it, as "ev0l - untitled", might solve it.
If this is intentional, it doesn't sound like a good idea. If there are two artists who have a song titled "Rain," both of them should be able to upload their songs with the same title without a hiccup. The site should still be able to know which song was from which artist.
Right now the songs are stored like this: … _title.mp3
And the page is here:
I don't understand why ev0l's problem occured.
I'm pretty sure is not intentional, pretty much a kind of bug. JAK was soft trolling ;D
Maybe a bug with the 0? But I can't assure that.
It's an intentional bug to force you to title your songs.
@subway sonicbeat: i cant even delete the file if i cant access the page to play it.
if i cant delete the file, even if i do rename it, it does not allow a similar file upload. that is, even if i rename the original file, i cant.
thanks anyways
@subway sonicbeat: i cant even delete the file if i cant access the page to play it.
if i cant delete the file, even if i do rename it, it does not allow a similar file upload. that is, even if i rename the original file, i cant.
thanks anyways
So try to contact the mods here by PM, I think thrash80 might help you.
the only bug here is that the song name doesnt work in the url- which i'm looking into now.
Our system is sophisticated in how it deals with mp3s, nothing is stored as the file name you provided- it is renamed as /year/month/user-name_album_track-number_track-name.mp3 to keep our backend pretty and uniform. The file is also md5 hashed (basically gets a set of characters that represent the uniqueness of the file) if you just rename a mp3 and upload it, the system will know that the file already exists.
also this:
It's an intentional bug to force you to title your songs.
Last edited by Trash80 (Apr 4, 2011 4:07 pm)