Maybe there should be an option to have a black background with White speech bubbles containing Black text?
You know, for those who have a hard time reading White text inside Grey bubbles.
I LOVE the Black background and I have no trouble focusing on White text inside Grey bubbles.
I really feel sorry for people with poor vision.
I sometimes where "fake" glasses just to support my girlfriend and my rival brother.
Both my girlfriend and my rival think glasses make them look un-fashionable or un-cool.
I think glasses are cool and if you need to where glasses don't be afraid to where them.
I actually have one sense that is unusually poor.
I have a very poor sense of smell.
A weak sense of smell seems to be a positive thing in most situations because strong smells usually tend to smell bad rather than good.
But I sometimes don't enjoy eating food as much as other people because of my weak nose and it makes me more likely to die in a fire.