Thanks, fluidvolt and HPizzle. 
HPizzle, my recording input chain looked a little like this:
LTD FX-260SM guitar (with the exception of Wanted, on which I used a Godin Freeway EMG which I later sold shortly before buying the LTD) > Fender Frontman 65R amp > MXL 990 condenser microphone (again with the exception of wanted -- used a Shure SM58 on that one) > E-MU 1616m Cardbus recording interface > Cardbus to Expresscard adapter (extremely touchy) > laptop running Cool Edit Pro. On most of the songs the microphone was up against the cloth but somewhat off-center; this made the tone a little sloppier than I'd like but I didn't want to re-do everything at that point. You might notice the guitar tone is much tighter on System Check 1 and Commercial District; those are the only two songs where I actually spent some decent time getting a good solid mic placement going on. 
Hope that helps, and let me know if I can tell you anything else!
Last edited by Bit_Rat (Mar 27, 2011 5:47 am)