
So what inspires you guys with melodies?

I get bored in math class and think of something, forget it by the end of the day and can't think of anything cool at night, so I only get a good song down on rare occasions. What about you guys?

Bronx, NY

Psychological disorders, public transportation, office supplies, social injustice, and relationships/breakups for me, mostly.


When I have shit to do I dont wanna do, like work and school.



Office Supplies? Lol why?


Whenever that happens I always get brain dead and can't even whistle a tune. tongue


listening to lots of other music, going to shows.


Subways, trains, streets, metropolis and pollution.

Bronx, NY
apt-get wrote:


Office Supplies? Lol why?

Lol...the sounds they make, mostly. Machinery and all that! I meant to type office appliances, not supplies, though.


Like, "Oh dude, that stack of paper over there's totally screaming Csus6 chords at me...great ideas office, keep up the good work"

Bronx, NY
apt-get wrote:

Like, "Oh dude, that stack of paper over there's totally screaming Csus6 chords at me...great ideas office, keep up the good work"

I'm like that dude in "A Beautiful Mind" when I'm at work...and I see paper clips talkin' to me and shit.


I don't do this whole inspiration thing, I just write stuff haha. The odd time I'll think up a sweet song as I lay trying to get to sleep, but I usually forget it overnight.


i realised the other day that spite/being contrary is a big influence on my music. i got really upset the other night when hanging out with some friends and one guy made a stab at synth music, saying that there's no point in playing it live if it sounds exactly the same as on recordings. i whinged to my girlfriend about it for a while but i went home the next day and wrote some seriously awesome synth stuff, haha!

i guess i've become so used to going against what people like, that it's become some kind of inspiration.