San Antonio, Texas

I have two original Bleep Bloop carts (the non-USB ones) and a SmartBoy Cart Reader. I back the two BB carts  one backs up fine but for the other, the reader can't properly save the .sav and corrupts the data thats on the cart. This has happened since last year and has led me to either avoid using the cart or having to start over when the data get corrupted.

Could it be a contact issue, a battery issue, a reader problem or something else?

Any help is much appreciated.

Last edited by Star Fighter Dreams (Mar 31, 2011 6:21 pm)


I'm gonna guess it's the reader because if it were a contact issue, the carts wouldn't work in the gameboy, and if you have data to back up, the battery's fine. Maybe try a new reader?

San Antonio, Texas

It could be the reader but the cartridge in question always gives me a bad boot so it takes me at least a few tries until I can get it to boot up correctly in my gameboy.


Hmm...maybe try cleaning the contacts with a little bit of alcohol and a cutip?