I just don't know wether to get this...or another SammichSID
Midibox evil genius Wilba is working on a follow up to the kick ass Sammich Sid called the sammich FM. It is built around the opl3 sound chip (hence the forum choice) and looks to have a few rather kick ass advantages
http://www.flickr.com/photos/wilba/sets … 234395526/
- Awesome Wilba pcb's
- complete chip and parts set (according to a mail I got from him)
- Similar price to the Sammich Sid (again in the mail)
- I THINK judging by the pictures it runs off a single wall wart? I see voltage regs in one of the pictures, this means no hassles with different PSU voltages! (pure conjecture on my part)Yay!
It's officially announced. See here: http://midibox.org/forums/topic/15501-sammichfm
(I hope this isn't considered commercial spam or advertising... just want to give you dudes a heads-up).
Fuck no. If anything this is considered a public service announcement!
*Eugene waves*
looks lovely, but i'm not sure i could trust myself with assembly...
Every effort has been made to make this as newbie-friendly as possible, even the pads for surface mount ICs are longer than normal for easy soldering... so if you've soldered anything before (and it worked), you should have no trouble.
Oh, that and the build instructions for the Sammich SID were impeccably annotated and easy to follow. Just make sure you actually follow them
Is there a software to control the sammich or does all the synthesis has to be done with the front panel buttons?
Not sure how up to date this is?