
Plastik is an FM synth (or more accurately phase modulation synth) inspired by the Yamaha OPL chips found in Ad Lib and Sound Blaster soundcards in the 80's and 90's, renowned for its plastic sound. It should be noted, however, that even though Plastik was made to produce the same overall qualities as the OPL chips, and even has some of its unique features (the waveforms, the fixed vibrato and tremolo frequencies) it makes no claim whatsoever to be a complete or accurate OPL emulator.

Plastik is still work in progress, so if you find something that's wrong with it, or you have a feature request, feel free to contact me. (Leave a comment or fetch my e-mail address from the bottom of the page.)

Get it here: … -fm-synth/


Out of curiousity, why have you posted it as a Reaktor instrument instead of an ensemble?


Because there's no reason to post it as an ensemble to begin with. I'd do that if I wanted to include something else, like some effect unit. Many people seem to post instruments as ensembles which generally has no advantage except that it's superficially easier to open the file.

Berkeley, CA

Cool. I put this side by side with FM8 and made the same patch from scratch in each and they sound identical. I wonder if they built FM8 using Reaktor.

I was hoping this would sound raunchier than FM8, which always sounds really clean. I wonder if there's a way to use some lower-resolution sine waves to get that going.


They probably did, why wouldn't they? Although they probably have more powerful dev tools to inter face Reaktor with C code if needed, I wish I did. hmm