hey !
I would love to know is it possible to build an arduinoboy just with LSDJ MASTER mode ?
or i need to build a fully featured one to use lsdj master mode ??
>> THANKS !!! ^___^
Last edited by KODEK (Apr 26, 2011 10:33 am)
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hey !
I would love to know is it possible to build an arduinoboy just with LSDJ MASTER mode ?
or i need to build a fully featured one to use lsdj master mode ??
>> THANKS !!! ^___^
Last edited by KODEK (Apr 26, 2011 10:33 am)
hey !
I would love to know is it possible to build an arduinoboy just with LSDJ MASTER mode ?
or i need to build a fully featured one to use lsdj master mode ??>> THANKS !!! ^___^
i can build you an arduinoboy with just midi out if thats what you want. i could even build it into a cable so there is no actual box
that would be kinda annoying cause them you wouldnt be able to use the maxpat editor to change its settings without midi i/o or at least a ftdi header.
what happened to you typing in ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME?
You can do that. I guess you don't want to send midi notes and only use the LSDJ master clock sync right?
You just omit all the midi in parts (like the optocoupler) and button and leds. You'd have to modify the code slightly so the LSDJ master mode is fixed. I did that so I can send you the code. PM me if interested.
YEP ITS POSSIBLE // thanks ashimoke ,, NeX already helped me oout yesterday !
what happened to you typing in ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME?
my CAPS LOCK pedal IZ BROKEN : *(
I made this :
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/9/ … tonly.jpg/
it s very easy to do but it works strangely because
just notes c d# e g g# b from g-1 to g6 are playing: 55 notes, only channel 1 and 4 works pu1=midi ch1 noise=midi ch4
and only fonction y sends notes other fonctions aren't working
it s very stable and usable (plug n play)but the one in description should be really better.
I use a dmg04 cable (blue on gnd, brown 5v, green a0, yellow a1, red a2),
I tried to connect pin3 on ground but nothing changes.
Any idea ?
that would be kinda annoying cause them you wouldnt be able to use the maxpat editor to change its settings without midi i/o or at least a ftdi header.
so the update can be done thru midi?!?!
/me holds breath waiting for a yes
herr_prof wrote:that would be kinda annoying cause them you wouldnt be able to use the maxpat editor to change its settings without midi i/o or at least a ftdi header.
so the update can be done thru midi?!?!
/me holds breath waiting for a yes
theoretically, you would have to build an FTDI that had midi connectors on it, and it wouldn't auto reset the board, but the midi sockets are connected to the transmit and receive lines of the arduino so they can be used to transmit code in theory.
there are a few problems that i can see though, first of all pin 4 which activates the opto would have to be on, also you would need a resistor on the midi in socket connector to avoid burning out the opto.
if i had some spare parts like midi connectors i could make up a test rig and see if it works. in theory it should but i don't have the resources to try
SO i like made this arduinoboy and set up it to start in force mode (LSDJmaster sync)
arduino boy is blinkin and drummachine is recieving MIDI signal //
BUT it plays normal only when i set groove in LSDJ as 5/7 !
5/5 6/4 or other groove settings just plays it wrong : (
WHATS WRONG ?? or its suposed to work only with 5/7
hmm, I don't use grooves much so I never had any problems with it. Might be that only 6/6, 5/7, 4/8 etc. kind of grooves work...I'll try to check out later and let you know.
SO i like made this arduinoboy and set up it to start in force mode (LSDJmaster sync)
arduino boy is blinkin and drummachine is recieving MIDI signal //BUT it plays normal only when i set groove in LSDJ as 5/7 !
5/5 6/4 or other groove settings just plays it wrong : (WHATS WRONG ?? or its suposed to work only with 5/7
Groove is "ignored"- thats not technically accurate, but easier to understand. You are playing with the pattern's ticks and not the master tempo itself. as long as your groove breaks down to 24 ppq (5+7=12 which is evenly divided by 24) it will remain in sync, just not have the shuffle. Another way to look at it is this is why each pattern can have a different groove, its just playing with how the phrase handles the clock ticks, and does not alter the clock ticks themselves, if this wasn't the case how would lsdj know which phrase's clock to use for its sync? Also that would mean slave sync could not as easily use a external clock and still have grooves.
oh thanx wise man ! : ]
so i just need to make songs with 5+7 =12 , 6+6=12. . .. . , right ?
y0 - - -i have probem wiz my arduinoboy - -
it only works right when i power it via usb > when im using power supply the clock goes totally offbeat //
any ideas ? - -i already tried 12v and 5v power supplies for arduino ; /