Finally got this all set-up last night, although it's lacking a decent USB hub and a couple of audio leads.
Top row - Roland TR-707, Yamaha TQ-5 (lovely little FM synth/sound module) and a Tapco Mix100 that I'm using as a sub-mixer for all modules / drum machines.
Middle row - Macbook running Renoise, Reaktor and LGPT, Korg Kaoss KP3 and a Korg Electribe ES-1.
Bottom - Evolution MK361-c keyboard controller, Korg Nanokontrol and Wacom Bamboo Pen tablet.
On the right - Soundcraft Compact 4 mixer, with an M-Audio Transit interface on the record bus to get audio in and out of the computer. Tucked round the back is an M-Audio Uno midi interface getting MIDI from the computer to all the modules.
Not pictured: Korg Nanokey + Nanopad, Gameboys running LSDJ and NL (1.2, 1.3 and 2.3) and a PSP running LGPT.
It's taken me ages to build a rig that I can just sit down and *play*, without having to re-plug everything every time!