There was a gig in brisbane where i was "godinpant" and rubijaq was rubijap
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Video valantaa (Valantaa = to mold in finnish )
Video Valvonta
I think it's more rare to see it spelled right way
This list goes on forever
i once received a letter from cap'n crunch written out to: Facumelo Castro
i was disappointed at the ripe age of 10 and sent a reply pointing out their mistake and i got a decoder and some other dumb shit for free. i still have the letter written out to my correct name.
It happens to me all the time. MTV Brasil did it most recently by making me "Minus Baby".
Once i had a guy walk up and ask me if i was birdshit, I spat out my beer in laughter.
There was a gig in brisbane where i was "godinpant" and rubijaq was rubijap
Somehow they managed to spell Dot.AY correctly and with the capitalization I put in the rider though
I don't think mine has been misspelled anywhere but occasionally people call me VGA
I like being difficult. Just do a quick search on last fm.
Best thing I was billed as was "Over Rake".
Things may be getting worse though, I wasn't even put on the flyer for my next show in my own town.
Talk about a misprint!
I get:
Wiz Wars (which I get more now because of my Facebook profile, but whatever)
WizWars (second W does NOT need to be capitalized)
Wizwar (where the fuck is the S?)
Wizwarz (cute, but no thanks)
WizWarz (this one just makes me anrgy).
I think the only time my name appears right on a flyer is when I design it.
I've had it done twice:
space town saviors -- there's only one savior, sorry
space town saviour -- the european and ultimately more sophisticated version of space town savior
Space Town Saviour is when you have all your stuff backed up by a symphony orchestra.
I guess I should be spelling it with a u then
I misspelled my own name for a reason...
Video Volante
Video valantaa (Valantaa = to mold in finnish)
Video Valvonta
VideoValvontaI think it's more rare to see it spelled right way
This list goes on forever
I've had El Huesedo, El Heuseudo, El Hosodo, and more comically, El Huevudo.
No one has done "El Huesado" for some reason. That's good, because I'm not into sado.
There are some other people who call me "Sudo", but that just gets confused with the super-user do thing.