Chicago IL

weird, i don't remember sending anything to OCR

i can't even fuck around with session view, it's all about arrangement and automation.

also here's what i learned about ableton yesterday that's probably obvious to everyone but just in case you're dense like me

the Freeze Track function isn't just there to keep you from fucking something up once you have it exactly the way you want it, like i had assumed. it pre-renders a channel to lighten the load on your CPU. this is really useful if you use a lot of vsts, or if you use oZone on more than half of your tracks like i do. I cut my CPU % in half with this, BUT the song folder i'm working with is 600mb now haha.

also: here's something i'm working on putting recordings from LSDJ + Mod2PSG in Ableton. … llance.mp3

Europa surfing on the monolith

Nice tune man.


Sometimes watching Ableton videos just makes me sad because I don't have any of the extra stuff that actually makes it good sad  No Operator or anything.  But I can't excuse actually buying any of them because I already have 1. Reason, and 2. about a bajillion free VSTs.

New York City

I only miss the Drum Rack and I don't have it because I have an old version of Live, but it works for me. I am not interested in those other plugins. One day, I might upgrade, if I have the extra moollah.


I'm a bit disappointed because it's not very easy to automate parameters in a VST plugin.  Or at least, I haven't been able to do it well.

New York City

You can draw an envelope.


Yeah, I dunno, if I remember correctly, it was doing something weird where I wasn't able to automate more than one thing.  I don't remember exactly, but it seemed like some weird bug.  It's been a while since I've tried.


+ I don't know any other serious non-linear music making/performing software (expect maybe NI Maschine?). It's basically the most complex looping station you can get, you can play patterns of different lengths to get polyrhythmic, stuff like that.

+ Almost everything that was once impossible to do in Live has now been fixed by the user community thanks to Max For Live ( So many great new devices already, and most of them are "open source", like Monolake's Granulator ( It's quite expensive to buy MFL though.

+ Using it as a standard sequencer works well. I'm sure not as well as other DAWs in some cases, but it's getting better with every version. The interface is brilliant imo, really compact and without popup windows.

Last edited by Diskette Deluxe (May 20, 2011 2:25 am)

trash80 wrote:
nkogliaz wrote:

What ISN"T there to like about ableton live?


If there's one sequencer that kills the need for laptop-staring, it's Live.

I perform with my laptop closed and

Other options:

nothing compares...

Last edited by Diskette Deluxe (May 20, 2011 2:26 am)

Diskette Deluxe wrote:

+ I don't know any other serious non-linear music making/performing software (expect maybe NI Maschine?). It's basically the most complex looping station you can get, you can play patterns of different lengths to get polyrhythmic, stuff like that.

I think you mean NI Reaktor.... anyhow, there is MAX/MSP not-for-live, pure data, usine, supercollider, etc... but if you've got a bit of money to spend on convenience or you are interested in the other features of ableton too, it seems like a good idea to go for it and get max for live! smile

Diskette Deluxe wrote:

I perform with my laptop closed and

This, if I play with laptop. Although for live setting, Numerology is even better and it looks pretty interesting live too.

ant1 wrote:
Diskette Deluxe wrote:

+ I don't know any other serious non-linear music making/performing software (expect maybe NI Maschine?). It's basically the most complex looping station you can get, you can play patterns of different lengths to get polyrhythmic, stuff like that.

I think you mean NI Reaktor.... anyhow, there is MAX/MSP not-for-live, pure data, usine, supercollider, etc... but if you've got a bit of money to spend on convenience or you are interested in the other features of ableton too, it seems like a good idea to go for it and get max for live! smile

Sorry, I didn't mean serious software, i rather meant out-of-the-box software, easy to use. NI Maschine has capabilities like Ableton's Session View, I think. Reaktor, PD, SC, Max. etc are no way easy to use. But they're definitely serious!

Last edited by Diskette Deluxe (May 20, 2011 1:38 pm)