i was looking at the post your setup thread and wondered how you guys afford your gear because i struggle so much to buy the things i need (batteries for the mini kp my girlfriend bought me) let alone the things i want (a launch pad for ableton)
yeah im doing my best but where i live there are no jobs available and i was kinda wondering about this because chip music has producers of loads of different ages so im kinda curious
My gear is deliberately inexpensive, I have a steady day job (which I like very much,) I have a donate button on my web page, and I sometimes sell stock audio under another pseudonym. I also started selling some of my older CDs that I don't play anymore.
Most of the money comes from the day job and disappears into my car.
It is pretty easy when it is a console that is pretty well obsolete.
college degree + day job + not going out too often = cash for my gear
Hunting for free/dirt cheap gear= you have gear. I got most of my Apple IIgs components for free, and only had to pay for my 800k drives, my HDD (which WAS expensive) and 4meg RAM expansion. I find DMG's at the thrift shop for dirt cheap, and I build cool toys for people and sell them. (eg. I built a batch of Glitchnes carts)
good job + don't go out much + been slowly getting decent gear = where i am now
it helps that i have a friend who has given me some great deals on his old shit as he upgraded. my sound interface would not be nearly as nice as it is if not for that
Me is just working at my part time job, this year though i'm gunna be in massive debt by september so all of my kit I have now is gunna be the same for a long time.
I'm 14 so most of my income is through Christmas and my Birthday. I still think getting a job is hard!
come on. Chipmusic is probably one of the cheapest (if not the cheapest) genre/style/whatever to be into**
I thought working was pretty much standard practice....
Last edited by akira^8GB (Jan 25, 2010 11:38 pm)
Chipmusic is pretty cheap to get into.
Especially considering free / cheap emulators and plugins, and plenty of hardware you can build yourself.
I don't drink alcohol or do drugs.
Last edited by Ro-Bear (Jan 26, 2010 12:00 am)