I've been trying to find some good chiptunes with vocals. So far I have The J. Arthur Keenes Band, sadnes, Your Point of View, Circles (a few songs from the album Turn it Up... which I'm having a hard time uncovering), and a few others that have one or two songs. So, case in point, what are some good chiptunes with vocals?
Last edited by ovenrake (Sep 17, 2015 9:58 pm)
http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Peter … ival_2011/
My boyz:
And fuck it, time to pimp my shit:
http://music.dummydrome.com/album/building-an-ego (69 Secs. & 200 RIM JOBS)
http://www.iimusic.net/catalog/2010/04/ … dd-anomaly
Best Chiptunes + screams/growling... Enjoy.
Oh yeah that reminds me:
Also, Jay Tholen is awesome:
http://www.kittenrock.co.uk/releases/Je … 202009.zip
here is a mixtapey thing i made of some vocaloid chip pop trash
grab unicorn dream attack's "love bits" album
shit is amazing
all good suggestions.
Also, 8bit bEtty, tobiah, PDF Format
Bit shifter has done a couple really great covers, "Angelf#ck" on the Misfits "EightBreeders" comp on calmdownkidder, and "the world has turned and left me here" on the weezer 8-bit album on . Anamanaguchi has a cover on the same weezer 8-bit album, "holiday", and that has vocals on it too.
I am working on some songs with vocals and acoustic guitar, hopefully going to get an e.p. out sometime this summer. It'd be great if you could listen to it when it is done and say, "BEST INDIE-CHIP-ROCK WITH VOCALS EVARRR!!! FANTASTIC GEDDY LEE IMPRESSIONS!"
ditto on the 10k, Bleo, J. Arthur K, sadnes, and Br1ght Pr1mate. All of those people make awesome music.
I've been listening to this nonstop: http://brightprimate.bandcamp.com/album … e-industry
since April 7th when I bought it at the Middle East Up, it's so good.
grab unicorn dream attack's "love bits" album
shit is amazing
Can you tell I dig vocals?
The late, great Depreciation Guild should be a no brainer, but just in case.
http://www.insound.com/search/?query=Th … from=47597 (for lack of a better link)
They used to have their album "In Her Gentle Jaws" up for free somewhere, but I can't find it for the life of me.
EDIT: And on the opposite end of the spectrum, shitbird.
Last edited by Andrew Winzenburg (Jun 29, 2011 6:08 pm)
I still say "Red shade of grey" from dispyz is best:
Although, he would kill me for hyping this.