Llanelli, Wales

I know there are a few Audacity savvy people on here, so I was wondering is there anyway of directly recording sounds from the computer without having to use the headphone and line in?
i know that you used to be able to do it with stereo mix, but the latest version doesnt seem to have it.



ehhh, i think usually you have to have software routing that creates some sort of virtual "audio in" to audacity. some comps have that built in, but if not a simple google search should find you a few freeware options to DL.

Llanelli, Wales

Yeah I just found some Audio Servers but most of them are for Linux/Unix hmm I've got Ubuntu installed but can't really get the hang of it, plus I'd have to download and re-install all the software I have for Windows, thanks though.


does it have a Wave Out Mix?

Llanelli, Wales

No hmm

Riverside, CA

If you use Pulse Audio you can do it pretty easily. Just install the Pulse Audio Device Chooser.
Or another route would be to use JACK, but that can be confusing (for me at least).

Llanelli, Wales

Thanks, I'll have to try JACK, tried using Pulse Audio, but it won't install.

Nomad's Land

on ubuntu, recording the stereo mix in audacity works a little different than on windows.

you have to select the source via alsamixer rather than in audacity itself.

to do this, open your console, then type

$ alsamixer

(without the $ obviously)

now hit F4 to get to the recording tab, then select "Mix" as the source of your recording.

Now start Audacity and you can record from whatever source you select in alsamixer.

edit: if that doesn't work then disable jack before starting alsamixer -

$ kill jackd

Last edited by irrlichtproject (Jul 10, 2011 1:39 pm)

Riverside, CA
irrlichtproject wrote:

now hit F4 to get to the recording tab, then select "Mix" as the source of your recording.

Hmm I only see "Mic Boost" and "Capture", no "Mix".

Nomad's Land

@The Silph Scope: if you give me some hardware specs, maybe i can help. generally this can be due to a number of reasons, eg. incorrect setup of sound device (try F6 in alsamixer), using an external (usb) sound device, or conflicting drivers (jackd/pulseaudio). also make sure to start alsamixer before you start audacity. in any case you might want to try recording through pulse instead, by using the Pulse Audio Volume Control tool. if it's not installed,

$ sudo apt-get install pavucontrol

good luck.

Last edited by irrlichtproject (Jul 10, 2011 9:58 pm)


I've moved this to software and plugins. The forum sections are there for a reason.

Llanelli, Wales

'm sorry nitro2k01, and thank you to everyone else smile

Riverside, CA

Yeah, I normally use the pulseaudio volume thing for this stuff, but I'd like to use alsa instead.
As for hardware, this is all on my netbook, no external hardware or anything.

Nomad's Land

you don't happen to have a DELL netbook? dell has a policy of disabling internal mix recording, which would explain why the sliders don't show up in alsamixer. they offer a patch for that, too, but not for linux sad

Llanelli, Wales

@irrlichtproject I have a Packard Bell notebook, but that's good to know, thanks.


a lot of computers dell or otherwise have started doing this

is it so we don't thief things from youtube/spotify?