Your question is a little confusing.
Your subject says "digital mixer" - most digital mixers are pretty big, minimum 16 channels. I might think you're talking about digital effects, if you didn't already say you don't want them. Maybe you're talking about a mixer/interface like Alesis' analog mixers with multi-channel firewire and USB outs?
You say you want a "two channel mixer", but I'm assuming you mean two stereo channels. Stereo channels as a default are unique to DJ mixers such as your vestax - most small format mixers have 1 to 4 mono channels with mic preamps, then 2-4 stereo line channels, which are what you'd want to use with your laptop.
Finally I'm assuming that by "using the other channels for recording" you mean that you want to use them as extra inputs. Unless you get one of the aforementioned multichannel interface mixers with a firewire or USB port on it, that won't let you record multiple things onto separate digital channels at once, but you can record multiple things to a mix through whatever input you're using already. This will get confusing quick if I keep talking like this.
Here's actual answers to your questions; lots of chip people use Behringer stuff. I can't stand it and avoid it like the plague. I have yet to hear anything made by them that doesn't sound obnoxious and brittle to my ears. Maybe that works for chip people in general, but if you want to use the mic preamps for anything, you'll regret it. Avoid Behringer.
Here's some neat, cheap stuff. Not sure how the pricing or availability will change in the uk. … 5000000000 … ompression (compression would be handy for recording) … udio-mixer … 8000000000 (USB audio interface built in, 16bit, 44.1)
Each of these models has bigger and bigger versions, but they're all brands that I've had decent experiences with.