I made this originally with the intention to contrast my last image submission.
This image is a fabulous fake.
Most people think that the original version of this was created by Banksy when it was actually originally created by Julien Fanton D'Andon.
Its been notoriously ripped off, stolen, and used by hundreds of different "street artists".
I cheated my ass off to bring this image to you and to show one way to produce fake pixel art.
To make this I simply converted the image(I found the image with a simple google-image search and saved image as...>then edited it) to indexed colors(1bit palette black and white using the free program GIMP), scaled the image down(drastically but not so much that it looses all line definition), manually touched up the image with the pencil tool(this takes some artistic skill and a little time), then scaled the image back up(I chose 400% because I wanted to show off its detail but this step isn't always necessary, cropping the image is also the logical thing to do at this point but not always necessary). And Voila - fake pixel art.
This is the stuff you guys hate and consider fake.
I'm not trying to argue a point and I know you guys are actually very accepting.
I'm still on the fence about the use of stolen or fake material.
Fake pixel art has a place here with pixel art and a place in the future of pixel art as an art form.
Some of it is actually interesting artwork(I'm not trying to make argue a point, its just a statement to lead into the next sentence).
I'll probably feel this way until someone rips off a piece of my artwork and makes a huge profit from it, but that's not the only fear fake artwork brings.
We all know that no one should support stealing artwork because it hurts the artists, the community, and even the reputation and value of an art form.
There is no reason to give me a lecture about ethics and whatnot, I already know.(and I value your opinions)
But there will always be fake artwork, its a part of human nature to mimic whatever it is that we aspire to be or want to create.
I think that there is no way to stop this from taking place.
I personally love replicating(or modifying) artwork that I admire, its normal and its a very human thing to do.
I also love being creative and making original artwork as well but I've actually learned a lot by replicating(or blatantly stealing and modifying) artwork.
I support the creation of fake artwork but I'm firmly against people profiting from fake artwork.
So if your going to replicate or steal a piece of artwork(with the intention to modify or even make fake pixel art from other works) do it but please do it tastefully and don't do it for praise, fame, or money.
Share your work, support other artists, and always strive to grow as an artist and as a person.
Last edited by SurfaceDragon (Jul 31, 2011 1:35 pm)