

I was first introduced to this genre of music via the Engadget Show. To be perfectly honest I thought it was a little off the deep end of geek for me, but I guess it tuned out not to be.

You have to understand that I am a second class geek, being 35 years old but not getting interested in computers until I was about 21. Sure, I had a computer class where we learned a little BASIC and played with Apple II computers. My Dad even bought us a TRS-80, but I didn't really use it. My brother and I played a lot of Atari, but by the time Mario was cool I just didn't care for video games much...mostly because I am no good at them!

I earned an associates degree in computer networking from community college, but it was a bad program with poor teachers (with a few notable exceptions) and I never found work in the field. Although, from that time forward I was immersed in tech. A few years later I attended a Christian college and got a degree in Christian Education. I did some ministry, but health problems have left me mostly incapacitated. It was then that I started messing with programming languages, but never really got far. Lately I have been studying Ruby and am having lots of fun. I am hoping to use it with MacRuby and Cocoa in the future.

Anyway, I would hear this chip music from time to time and found that I liked some of it, but was having a hard time finding just the style I liked the most until I found the podcast. I don't really care for the tunes with lyrics mixed in, and i have no use whatsoever for those with profanity (I am far from puritanical but it just seems to add nothing to the music).

I find that almost everything from the feed is enjoyable, but I prefer the tunes that do not feel like they were pulled directly from an arcade game. My kids will enjoy them though!

I guess the most confusing thing about the genre is the apparent sub genres. If someone wouldn't mind explaining the differences I would appreciate it. I have seen references to:

chip music
8bit music
(and maybe a couple others I can't remember)

At any rate, I appreciate the music and musicians of



Chipmusic and 8bit music are the same name to the same thing. The others are well stablished genres that are done using old computers and videogames.

Most people here are not that of a 1st level geek despite liking some good ol games and it's music mostly.

So, welcome!


After I posted this I ran across the 8-bit Jesus album. I can't wait for Christmas. My boys are gonna go nuts over this stuff.

Melbourne, Australia

I guess to try and ease (or maybe exacerbate) your confusion, most of those genres you list are music genres that fall under electronic music in general. In this case they just happen to be made with consoles.

Chipmusic isn't really a genre, anymore than "Piano" is - in that case you might like jazz and not classical with chipmusic, you may like the trance stuff but not dubstep (or whatever combination) there are chip tracks in a pretty wide variety of genres.


Ok, that clears things up considerably. Thanks!


By 8-Bit Jesus album... were you referring to Control Me? Haha. If there's another one I really REALLY want to know about it.

Illinois this is the only one I know of


OHH... yeah okay. Here's another Jesus related one... though you may dislike the vocal stylings. At the very least I can say it's 100% sincere. Haha. … control-me

ArrowJ wrote:

chip music 1
8bit music 1
dub 2
dubstep 2
brostep 3
trance 3
(and maybe a couple others I can't remember)


1 is synonymous, use them interchangeably, although i prefer the former.
2 are real genres so just google that, and its the same but with chip based soundsets
3 are made up joke genres that no actually produces under/listens to.*

*Ok trance is real, but I've never ever listened to it. Seriously, wtf is this garbage?

São Paulo, Brazil
herr_prof wrote:

*Ok trance is real, but I've never ever listened to it. Seriously, wtf is this garbage?

some old trance tracks are good. the problem is with psytrance/full-on. they're like the brostep of trance.


welcome! also I suggest listening to this:

herr_prof wrote:
ArrowJ wrote:

chip music 1
8bit music 1
dub 2
dubstep 2
brostep 3
trance 3
(and maybe a couple others I can't remember)


1 is synonymous, use them interchangeably, although i prefer the former.
2 are real genres so just google that, and its the same but with chip based soundsets
3 are made up joke genres that no actually produces under/listens to.*

*Ok trance is real, but I've never ever listened to it. Seriously, wtf is this garbage?

Enjoy yer stay!

San Diego, CA
herr_prof wrote:

*Ok trance is real, but I've never ever listened to it. Seriously, wtf is this garbage?

everything I've written in the last two months has been informed by trance ._.

it's probably my secret love for terrible music coming back to TAKE ME AWAY