Anyone know where to find a good GBA flash cartridge? I've been looking for one to play some of the Japanese games I've missed out on (for example: Mother 3). I know I could use an emulator, but I rather dislike using those.
internet. thats where the rest of us get ours. we also like to google search too.
Well, you answered a question I didn't ask, wedanced, but the knowledge that you're an ass doesn't help me with anything here or elsewhere. I'll bet it doesn't help you in life too often either. Anyone else actually helpful know of one? Keep in mind I know where I can buy a flash cart, but I don't know which is actually good or if the sites are trustworthy. That's why I asked here.
Doesn't Nonfinite sell one? Not sure if he still does.
internet. thats where the rest of us get ours. we also like to google search too.
People searching on the internet for midiNES would find the wayfar shop still selling them for sale, sometimes it's best to ask first!
got mine from here: … 78522.html
the serial cable could be a bit of a pain (not for my good ol' desktop PC), but it is cheap and it works. Shipping was fast too.
Ez-flash IV is pretty sweet. perhaps ebay or something like that?.
the tipical gadget online stores don't have them anymore.
it was very cheap at dealextreme a couple of years ago.
got mine from here: … 78522.html
the serial cable could be a bit of a pain (not for my good ol' desktop PC), but it is cheap and it works. Shipping was fast too.
You don't need a serial cable. If you have an NDS, you can flash this cartridge using that and some software. I recommend this cart, but it's not gonna be good for massive stuff since it's only 128Mbit.
The EZFlash IV seems to the the good one, otherwise there's that cart that has extra chips inside for emulation, what is the name??
PULSELOOPER wrote:got mine from here: … 78522.html
the serial cable could be a bit of a pain (not for my good ol' desktop PC), but it is cheap and it works. Shipping was fast too.
You don't need a serial cable. If you have an NDS, you can flash this cartridge using that and some software. I recommend this cart, but it's not gonna be good for massive stuff since it's only 128Mbit.
The EZFlash IV seems to the the good one, otherwise there's that cart that has extra chips inside for emulation, what is the name??
damn, that's great. gotta try that.
Thanks guys. I really appreciate the advice! These really look promising. I'm thinking the EZ Flash IV will be easiest because I don't have a serial port on my laptop.
My EZ-Flash IV has played all the games I put on it.
And you won't find that on Google.
I have an EZ-Flash IV, never found it on google
I bought it from nonfinite, but he doesn't have them in stock anymore
got mine from here: … 78522.html
the serial cable could be a bit of a pain (not for my good ol' desktop PC), but it is cheap and it works. Shipping was fast too.
Does The GBA flash cart from lightinthebox only have japanese flash software, like ive read that the actual software is in japaneses, any news on that?
if you go on the internet to ask a question to the internet you might as well search on the internet first. internet. internet. internet. internet. internet. internet. internet.
if you go on the internet to ask a question to the internet you might as well search on the internet first. internet. internet. internet. internet. internet. internet. internet.
But I had. That's why I was asking here. I didn't know which was an actual good product or which of the sites I'd visited were actually trustworthy. This thread helped. Pointing out the obvious didn't.
damn, that's great. gotta try that.
yeah you have to! If i am not wrong, the software is called gbaldr. Someone on these very forums hinted me to it so you might want to search.
Edit: post here by egr
Last edited by akira^8GB (Sep 8, 2011 4:24 am)