Philly, PA, USA
PlainFlavored wrote:

For maximum Nullsleepishness, switch the sync mode to slave in the middle of a note.


that's actually really cool. tried that with this one kind of drone-y song i've been working on, +5 epic points.

NSW, Australia

Chuck the tempo on like 90 for a pattern or so.

.... Well thats all i do

Kiel, Germany

I'm always a bit too afraid to fuck up the song by switching to live mode and triggering the wrong chain/pattern/whatever...
but when writing a completely new track from scratch, it's fucking awesome

STereochan wrote:

I'm always a bit too afraid to fuck up the song by switching to live mode and triggering the wrong chain/pattern/whatever...
but when writing a completely new track from scratch, it's fucking awesome

This is indeed dangerous. But more dangerous is accidentally switching your master to slave (or worse even, MIDI) in the middle of a song resulting in a delicious drooooooooooooooooooooone and loud "SHITCAKES!"

New York City

My favorite use of live mode has been to introduce songs live by slowly piecing them together. Kind of remixing my own songs/life on stage as a lead up to the original structure.

Starscream wrote:

My favorite use of live mode has been to introduce songs live by slowly piecing them together. Kind of remixing my own songs/life on stage as a lead up to the original structure.

this, totally. every performance can be different!!! heart heart heart

Plano, TX

One song I'm working on now, the lead plays naked but I've set up a few tables to give it some altered sounds that aren't used in the song itself. I'll be switching up the tables and duty length when I play it live soon, so I'll see how well it works. Sounds nice when I'm messing around, so..