Asheville, NC

I have an idea for one here -- but I really can't find any for the mobile OS.  Anyone have experience with any?  Would be sweet if there were some sort of 8bit tracker for the phone.


not sequencers yet, but you have

Asheville, NC

That's neat.  I'd imagine a touch-screen sequencer interface has a ton of challenges to overcome.


bhajis loops proved its possible big_smile

Geneva, NY
starpause's tumblr wrote:

*   starPause:  larsby i have heard that android audio latency is bad? what is your experience coding for it
* Larsby: my experiences with the android has led me to buy an iphone. I have some trix to make it snappier, but regardless of that it's to slow.
* Larsby: and you cannot protect a thread against the system. so it can start lag at any time
* starPause: damn


yeah, the few android music apps i fucked with on my archos all had some issues when it came to responsiveness...felt like it was pretty far off, 200+ millisecond range type shit

Asheville, NC

It's not that Android is slow per se... It's that the hardware driving the OS could be lacking the RAM or processor power to pull off the computations. I don't think there's anything wrong with the operating system per se. Lets just hope the hardware catches up to fully unlock Android's possibilities.

Abandoned on Fire

"Caustic" for Android is the slickest, most complete non-nanoloop app I've found so far.  It's really quite impressive on my Nook, not sure what it would be like on a phone.

Android Market: … &hl=en

Developer blog:


From what I've heard, bleo's story is correct.  I think android would be best suited for a tracker/sequencer, though every single piece of live-playable android music software has had far too much lag to make it a viable music tool. Of course, I'd love to be proven wrong- I have a touchpad with cyanogenmod on it and to be able to use that as a synth or drum pad with tolerable latency would be amazing.