Abandoned on Fire

UPDATE 3/6/12:  Keff has been chosen as the winner, yay!!!  Watch this space for further updates.



After a long, failed attempt to find the owner/artist of the awesome skull graphic below, I've decided to have a contest to "re-imagine" it as a killer t-shirt design that incorporates the "Datathrash Recordings" name.  Winner gets $100 straight into their PayPal + whatever extras I can come up with before the deadline (CDs, stickers, free downloads, whatever...).  The shirt will be sold through as a fund raiser for the label so I can continue to help out the artists and produce cooler physical products.

What you need to do:
Re-imagine the "Microdeal Stereo Master" skull graphic in any format or style you want in the highest resolution you can. 
Must include the words "Datathrash Recordings" in a legible way.

When you need to do it:
Example art, sketches, and concept art will be accepted via until February 1st 2012 at which time 3 finalists will be chosen and announced.
The 3 finalists will have until March 1st 2012 to submit further concept art and sketches.
The winning artist will be announced and contacted on April 1st 2012 at which time any additional work for the final image will begin.

Stuff you need to know:
Datathrash Recordings will be given rights to use the winning image as a shirt design to be sold for profit.  No other rights will be granted except at the winning artists discretion.
The final winning image must be made available in Photoshop format (.psd) but examples, sketches, and concept art can be in any format.
All entries will be judged by Arnie Holder, owner/operator of Datathrash Recordings, and will be subject only to personal taste.
The winning artist will recieve $100 (plus extras to be determined) on delivery of the finished image in Photoshop format (.psd).
Datathrash Recordings will not have rights to use any sketches or concept art or example art submitted as part of this contest.
Contest participants are free to share their progress and work during the contest.  In fact, it's encouraged.

This is the graphic, I'll upload a scan of my user manual at some point for better detail:

Here's a scan of my user manual, probably the best quality image I can get:

Last edited by egr (Mar 6, 2012 7:12 pm)


Going to give it a shot, since its for datathrash smile

Abandoned on Fire


Sydney AUS

Awesome source material. Can't wait to see the results. I'll try and spread this around.

Turku, FIN

I might find some time for this smile

Abandoned on Fire

Plenty of time dudes.  Deadline will most likely be March 1st with the winner announced on April 1st for maximum confusion.  tongue


Might give this a go. smile

Have a lot of time to work on it.

Abandoned on Fire

Added "hi rez" scan:

New York City

I think I'm IN



Czech republic

here is another scan I found:

also funny red-white version:

Last edited by ashimoke (Nov 30, 2011 3:10 pm)

Abandoned on Fire

No no no!!  Not the Atari version!  That's not right at all!!!

j/k  heart


Abandoned on Fire
OrionOrbit wrote:

That's an interesting read and I get what they're talking about.  However, I don't really see how "crowdsourcing" is different from commissioning someone for a job and then rejecting their work when you're not pleased with it.  If the answer is that a designer would get at least some form of payment from a commission even if their work was rejected then I don't support that at all on the indie level I'm working in. wrote:

What other professions get involved with spec work?

None. Not that I can think of. If you can think of one please do let me know.

That's a dramatic and kind of silly statement.  "Crowdsourcing" is the same thing as running a short story, jingle, video, or any other kind of contest.

Last edited by egr (Nov 30, 2011 5:49 pm)


im gonna kick this shirt's ass.


Thanks for the graceful response but with all due respect you definitely dont "get what theyre talking about". Because if you did, you would do the right thing and pick a designer you like whos willing to do the work and not waste a bunch of peoples time and make multiple losers to your contest.

I understand your bias, given youre the contest holder but  spec work is spec work, no matter if its at an indie scale or a large corporation.

In regards to the "dramatic and silly statement", I think you misunderstood. How often do you hold a contest to pick a doctor? Or a lawyer? The thought of holding a contest to pick a doctor or a lawyer should be equally as ridiculous as picking a designer but sadly its not. The only reason spec work is so common is because everyone with a computer and Photoshop is a designer nowadays, and the margin is so absurdly low that these contests happen only because theres more designers witth spare time than those who dont. So i hope you understand now that crowdsourcing is nothing like what you said.

Theres certainly a flair of arrogance that goes with these contests. The notion that designers should compete over your work is no different to me than tv shows like "the bachelor". Instead of a contest why not just be like hey guys, looking for some artwork, anyone down? Thats much more in touch with the indie scale youre talking about. If you hadnt presented this as a contest I probably wouldve been willing to participate. Your project looks like fun and I'd be personally interested.

You started your contest and theres people interested (unfortunately) so I wouldnt expect you to close it or anything, I just hope some information reached you and maybe you could go about design work differently in the future.