
So I really like chiptune and was thinking of setting up a monthly chiptune club-night in Bristol in the UK, thoughts anyone?

rochester, ny

i would say, just try to do one show. and see what that's like first.


Yeah, I wasn't planning on calling it a regular thing right away, but if it went well, monthly was the plan. If it failed on the other hand... ABANDON SHIP XD

Tokyo, Japan

There is a pretty good thread with loads of ideas for running shows but im damned if I can remember the title. Im failing hard, anyone remember?

edit - try these … our-shows/ … your-area/

Last edited by Lazerbeat (Dec 8, 2011 3:04 pm)


mulch organised a few nights a couple of years ago at the old fire station/police station place in bristol. i played one and was a fun night making bifts with some random who had lots of stolen rizzlas and playing rock band wth gwem and counter reset.


Thanks for the help so far! One thing I was wondering about was the big one, the music. Since I'm new to the scene (read a.k.a, this is the first forum or anything I've been on) I'm not sure how I'd get people to come play/permission to use music e.t.c. sad

Liverpool, UK

I'm from Liverpool, I'd love to play if possible! My choons r @

How to set up a gig, CDK style
1) Speak with the artists you want to play the event, give them a rough date
2) Get a venue, see if you can get a date around (rough date) - if this fails, go back to step 1.
3) Confirm with artists
4) Promote
5) ???
6) Don't profit, lose money or break even at best.

Brunswick, GA USA
calmdownkidder wrote:

I'm from Liverpool, I'd love to play if possible! My choons r @

How to set up a gig, CDK style
5) ???
6) Don't profit, lose money or break even at best.

Honesty rules