really cute!
awsome! loving keff's stuff. Ive recently started getting into pixel art ill post some stuff once i get good enough
Legendary gig.
True story.
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I'm glad people are posting fresh work in here. <):') Keep going!
MORE ascii plz
fuck PC font, Topaz!
Last edited by akira^8GB (Feb 4, 2010 12:20 am) should have different logo art at the top on every refresh, like at Pouet. should have different logo art at the top on every refresh, like at Pouet.
I disagree, I like the one we have, and consistency is good. That said, it does look cool at the sites that have it, but they are generally less 'stylish' than this one, hehe.
Now, back on topic, everyone! Back to waiting for Sander to post...
Awol should have different logo art at the top on every refresh, like at Pouet.
I disagree, I like the one we have, and consistency is good.
It's consistently BOOOOORING!