
Hy guys,

I've been walking around the shops recently and found an old amstrad in one of the "lot's of electronic stuff" shop. So i though i might buy it and see how I can use it for making chiptunes. I need some info about how can I get a tracker (WYZTracker or STarKos i suppose) to work on amstrad and what do I need in general to start off?

I don't have any experience with old computers so I might sound silly at first smile

Thanks in advance!

New York City

For that we'd need more information. What model Amstrad is it? Did you get it with a monitor?


Doh, didn't really look sorry, i'll go there again tomorrow and just buy it, it wasn't too expensive. I'll have a look at some pics now i might recognize it.

But it was without the monitor. Will I be able to connect it to an old TV, and what sort of connection is it?

New York City

That is a problem, I would suggest you not to buy it.
Amstrad computers only connect to the monitors by means of RGB, so you will need an RGB capable TV set or monitor, and to make your own cable.

Also, the Amstrad monitors contain the ocmputer's power supply, so without a monitor, you have no power  supply. You'd have to adapt some other power supply (an ATX one?) to run with the Amstrad.

Or was it an Amstrad 6128 Plus? In which case, you might be able to get it to run a bit easier (I think that one does come with its own power supply). Was it white?

In all, the same PSG chip is found in other, more  accessible platforms, like the Spectrum. I'd recommend you to grab that instead and, since this would be your first foray into old computers, I might even go ahead and actually suggest you to just run an emulator, if at all.

[edit] Checked around, the 6128 Plus still needs an RGB connection and an external power supply. The monitor was again the one that had it all. Smart way to sell monitors, don't you think? tongue

Here's an eBay seller selling as solution. You'd still need an RGB SCART capable TV (not all SCART capable TVs are wired for RGB. My TV only has ONE input wired for RGB, the other one isnt) … 0822935111

Last edited by akira^8GB (Jan 23, 2012 10:00 pm)


I think it looked like this one

Yeah that is definitely a good way to sell monitors. Well if the cable is going to cost as much as the computer itselt, it probably doesn't worth it :)
It's just the fact that I found one around quiet cheap and didn't want to order one of e-bay to save some money. And I don't have a clue where to get s Spectrum in UK, but that would be definitely my choice. Can you link me somewhere to read up what do I need to start with spectrum? And which one I should look for, as well as peripherals.

And thanks a lot for your explaination!

Last edited by platforma (Jan 23, 2012 10:11 pm)

New York City

Yeah that's a a CPC6128. I had one of those. It could also be the CPC464, it's similar but it has a tape loader instead of a 3"disk drive.
That will be another problem for you, you will have to adapt an old double density PC disk drive to use with the CPC because these come with weird 3" (not 3 1/2") disks.

Suffice to say, I had my CPC 6128 for 9 years, I bought it without a monitor: I never used it. I sold it as it was, I didn't even adapt the floppy drive.

I mean, if you get around with electronics, you CAN make an RGB ->RGB SCART cable, and adapt a PC power supply to power the Amstrad, it's just work most people don't want to do. And you still need to be sure your TV accepts RGB SCART.

Any old computer is a bitch to get running, if it's not what you are used to, it's always best to run emulators. A Spectrum can get you into similar troubles but at least you can get one with its power supply and connect it to the telly. Now the ones with the AY chip are only the Spectrum 128K line (Spectrum 128K, Spectrum +, Spectrum +2A and Spectrum +3) and an assortment of other clones you shouldn't care about. Most if not all will make your hair go gray for transfering files over, but at least on the Spectrum you can add an IDE interface (for a hefty sum of course) or on the +3 use the same method of floppy drive conversion as that of the Amstrads 6128

Last edited by akira^8GB (Jan 24, 2012 3:11 am)


if you are getting a spectrum, don't get one with an integrated tape drive
you can easily connect it to the PC if it doesn't have one

the 128k might be your best bet

New York City

But the 128K is also a bit expensive.
I favour the +3, even though it needs some work, is ultimately the nicest and most expandable of the lot. I love the real keyboard (the others'keyboards are just a joke!)


Thanks for the answers guyz, I have a better idea now. I'm okay with electronics and love figuring things out and a challenge of course! :)

So how would I go around connecting 128k to a PC? Any extra hard/soft ware needed? Where can I get some more technical info about the 3inch floppy adaptation for +3?

Some of the cheaper options i found on gumtree
Unused, boxed +3 - Fairly cheap, only £30
Boxed 128k - I'm sure we can agree on the price without the games.
Lot's of peripherals and a +2 - don't really know if any of them are usefull at all :)

Last edited by platforma (Jan 24, 2012 5:10 pm)


if you have a tap file you can convert it to wav, and then play it in some audio playing software and with a cable (normal audio cable) going into the spectrum (to simulate a tape drive)

and use audio recording software like audacity to record wavs out of the spectrum too

this is kind of painful process but it works and no expensive hardware or floopy disc needed


Lol, that's a great way of doing it! It wouldn't be much of a problem for me, I can rig it all up to the mixer.


tbh I'd say try out Arkos Tracker or Vortex to get familiar with the AY first without hardware.   I seem to remember the Spectrum trackers are sometimes a bit difficult to get to grips with.  (odd keyboard layouts, only saving to certain hardware etc.)

Last edited by 4mat (Jan 24, 2012 9:31 pm)

Milwaukee, WI

If you're going AY, nothing beats Atari ST... wink