Particularly looking for PSP user manuals, personally. However, if anybody has links for whichever platform, you should post them here for other's who may be looking as well.
Thanks in advance!!
Last edited by A Versus B (Jan 26, 2012 2:26 am) is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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Particularly looking for PSP user manuals, personally. However, if anybody has links for whichever platform, you should post them here for other's who may be looking as well.
Thanks in advance!!
Last edited by A Versus B (Jan 26, 2012 2:26 am)
Oh I know Manuel. Nice guy. You can find him here. … azydog.pdf
dont forget: … -guide.pdf
There are about a billion guides to getting custom psp firmware.. piggy doesnt really cover it specifically. For me the easiest was getting a pandora battery, then you can jailbreak all your friends.