Is that some High Strangeness I see there?
Spoiler: yes, yes it is. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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MORE ascii plz
ok here ya go.
my stuff...... random title breaks
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this one is not mine, but sick!
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Sorry Xero, the PC font totally fucks up your work.
topaz font for code!
Last edited by Subway Sonicbeat (Feb 4, 2010 9:00 pm)
topaz font for code!
Topaz font for everything?
KeFF, your work is going from strength to super strength!
KeFF, your work is going from strength to super strength!
haha thanks
And also thanks to everyone else who said nice things
minusbaby wrote:KeFF, your work is going from strength to super strength!
haha thanks
And also thanks to everyone else who said nice things
Post the Any Dupes dude!