Thanks for the post!
what's the point? you're not actually writing words or anything
what's the point? you're not actually writing words or anything
Yeah, this is kind of what I was thinking. I could just as easily find this stuff on Chipmusic or some other community site. You need some fresh editorial content or something to set this apart.
what's the point? you're not actually writing words or anything
that's hard to answer. it's kind of like the fun of having a record label without the risk or stress.
Zan-zan-zawa-butt wrote:what's the point? you're not actually writing words or anything
Yeah, this is kind of what I was thinking. I could just as easily find this stuff on Chipmusic or some other community site. You need some fresh editorial content or something to set this apart.
i'll think about it.
just posted Survival Tactics by Da Pantz ->
it's kind of like the fun of having a record label without the risk or stress.
I think you'll find that is called having a netlabel.
added This Album is a Party by D&D Sluggers -> … -sluggers/
Not being a jerk here, but I honestly don't see the value in what you're doing.
a. Nobody worth their salt is going to want to be on your label if you can't offer them anything. Some kind of defined listener base (that actually exists) at the very least.
b. Blogs need to be interesting. Yours has zero original content.
You half admitted it already, but this just seems to be an attempt at achieving fame without putting forth any effort. Like I said, I'm not trying to be a butt hole, so I'll offer some tangible practical tips:
- Select one or two specific styles/subgenres that your artists should fall under. You want people to know what to expect.
- Work for your artists! Push their stuff all over the internet, write press releases, put stuff on Youtube, etc.
- Write reviews.
- Interview folks
- Articles about the state of the scene as a whole
- Articles about tech
If you aren't willing to do any of that just stop now and stop wasting your time.
d**n Jay! i feel like i'm heading off to clown college all over again!
I don't know.... lots of heavily-trafficked blogs do as much or less. Post it and they will come..... eventually. I just think you probably don't want to be calling it a netlabel if you are posting stuff that's already been released on another label.
I don't know.... lots of heavily-trafficked blogs do as much or less. Post it and they will come..... eventually. I just think you probably don't want to be calling it a netlabel if you are posting stuff that's already been released on another label.
what "heavily trafficked blogs"? Maybe ones for more popular music with a huge range of artists and no central community (like this website). Realistically he might get a readership of like 2 or three people, maybe more eventually. But what he's offering in no way differentiates himself from any number of chip music blogs that offer at least some semblance of content. Also there's not even any kind of curation going on aside from "who wants their stuff on my blog?" It just ends up as a jumbled mess of unrelated music of varying degrees of quality with literally no attempt at explanation or recommendation.
Also just a side note, naming your blog similarly to how a recordlabel or netlabel might be named could be misleading.
has anybody experienced bandcamp not working? is it pretty reliable usually?