United Kingdom

Who is this artist on the Daft punk collab album Da chip volume 2?

His/her name:
∆®¥ \/\/∆®|\|∆∆®

Absolutely love the track that this artist produced for the collab and was wondering if anyone knew any further information such as releases or other tracks this artist had produced?

This album is really awesome and it's available free here:

Any information or helped would be much appreciated.

Granada, Spain

Anamanaguchi's guitarist smile

Last edited by Skycstls (Feb 26, 2012 10:52 am)

East Kilbride, Scotland
SAMWAVE wrote:

His/her name:
∆®¥ \/\/∆®|\|∆∆®

Ary Warnaar

United Kingdom

Awesome thanks you two for the replies!

Does he have any more solo work? Or was this strictly a one off for the collaboration?

(I've tried to have a quick look but nothing seems to have cropped up).

Bronx, NY

He doesn't have much solo stuff out. He contributed a track to a CrunchyCo compilation in 2008 called "Fried Moonlight", and he did some stuff with Hemlock Records in 2009 as well.

Bronx, NY

^ps. There's a track from Ary here: … .php?id=10

It's an extremely good track.

Liverpool, UK

I'm pretty sure there's a .zip file knocking about somewhere on mediafire with a load of his tracks on, I'll try and dig it up for ya!