So, I recently loaned a midines from a friend. He used it at a show the night before we left to go back to our hometown. I got it home, plugged it in, and am only getting a yellow screen. I thought it may be an amperage problem, since I had recently put a new 72 pin connector in. The adapter my NES came with was a 1.3A right from Nintendo. I thought maybe after years of use, it wasn't putting out the amount of amperage required. I just tried a 1 amp adapter, same results. I put a meter on it, and it was actually only using about 400 ma. If you have any advice to help, that would be awesome. The NES still plays games other than Midines.
Crashfaster's (The friend I got it from) laptop took a dive the last night he used it. Fell right on the hard drive. The NES was hooked up to it. Would that have sent some nasty voltage it's way? Just curious if that would have any effect. He said no, and I believe him, but I'm still curious and worried about it.