Wellington, New Zealand

Tomorrow is the start of the $noregazzzm and Fauxhound New Zealand tour. Dates are as follows=

15th March, Whammy Bar (Auckland) w/ Forest Spirits and Glasgow
16th March The Darkroom (Christchurch) w/ WAOTS
17th March XII Below -Fringe Festival Club (Dunedin) w/ For the Quail
21st March Chicks Hote (Dunedin)l w/ WAOTS

We aren't gracing Wellington because A) We have no money B) We just played Camp A Low Hum and a following show in Wellington.

Not sure if anyone from NZ frequent anymore..... but who knows?

Melbourne, Australia

Just have to restart the NZ thread wink Keep seeing people talking about $snoregazzzm in my facebook feed, a lot to do with Calh I guess smile

melbourne, australia

$noregazzzm, come to melbourne plz


do it guys.

i will travel from ad-hell-aide to come and party.

Melbourne, Australia

+1 for $noregazzm in Burn city.

Wellington, New Zealand

we were  thinking on coming  in august, but haven't really made a plan yet. We've been discussing the idea of a bris+syd+melb tour (maybe a double weekend) but are a little overwhelmed by the logistics + $$$$. Anyone keen to  help make our dream home a reality?

Melbourne, Australia

We can definitley help out with Melbourne hit me up on gba next time you're in there. We'd definitley get both of you on a SoundBytes bill and Abortifacient can probably help out with Sydney. Brisbane may be a little harder now we've stolen Dot.AY smile

Sydney, NSW

Come to Sydney and I will give you a complimentary shortbread biscuit.