Not tested yet. But very interesting tracker !
Does anyone know what size and type of save memory I should patch m4g for? I suspect thats whyy it snot working on ezflash.
So i cannot seem to figure out how to make it save songs with the latest on an ezzflashiv.. has anyone had luck with this?
So i cannot seem to figure out how to make it save songs with the latest on an ezzflashiv.. has anyone had luck with this?
No luck here....I'm using an efa linker II but I have been unable to save since vers 0.69, I was able to save and load within the same M4G session in 0.73 (but if I turned the gba off and on again no save was present)...I can't get 0.74pr to do any saving at all. I'm patching it with 256kb.
Maybe ill try .ver .69 then.. maybe a bug..
If smiker has a donate link perhaps we can send some cash for him to get an ez flash to test on..
ok. i tested the lasted version and it works well on supercard if isomg the unpatched *.gba file.
the only problem is that using an unpatched rom there isnt a *.sav file.. i looked in the supercard forum and i find a solution. (or i hope so)
I'm trying it when the save function will be available.
Maybe ill try .ver .69 then.. maybe a bug..
If smiker has a donate link perhaps we can send some cash for him to get an ez flash to test on..
+1 for donate link if it would help developments in any way.
ok people try this, make a copy of any savegame on your flash carts
and rename it to the same name as the rom, extension as ".dat", or to ".sav", then try to make it save load. I dont patch any rom on my cart, just make a dummy sav file, then i overwrite it(in my games list) when i reboot the console after saving the data. The point is, thats on my m3movieplayer, cant test it on ezflashiV yet, i'll see if i can get one soon. Thank you for the information so far!
Yea tit seems to be thinking a long while at boot, blank screen.. then I get a blank pattern. maybe post an existing save file and ill try to load that as well.
emm it doesnt think, its just displaying the logo, but due to a error, the logo doesnt show up at all, so just press a button after loading. ok im uploading a working save game for test. 5 minutes.
working sram: …
Last edited by smiker (Feb 9, 2010 12:42 am)
looks sweet. Hope the problems with the EZIV get sorted.
Not tested yet. But very interesting tracker !
The EZF4 automatically makes a folder with "sav" files for each program (one folder with all the savs in it). Maybe that's causing a problem. I'll experiment some more tomorrow. Not having any luck so far.
I'll gladly throw in a few bucks for this if somone has a paypal account I can sent cash to?
@Smiker my GBA/Flash package for you is ready to send