half of the artists today are regurgitating the same shit (the same goes for Dubstep or Electro or whateverthefuck)! You have the technology...use it!! Don't just tweak some knobs or use a generic waveform or patch, etc , strive to get the most out of what you're working with! Step your game up! I respect a handful of artists, not because they're innovators or they've got an extensive catalog, it's because they're doing something different! I feel as though I'm not one of these people, and I have much to learn, but it's how I feel. Deal with it!
P.S. This rant stems from the fact that I love Chipmusic and electronic music because you don,'t need the latest and greatest equipment to produce something amazing, you need drive and effort, and I'm not seeing that nowadays. You have the means to do something amazing, so do it!
Agree or disagree...I fee as though this needed to be said by someone. I know I'm not the only one who thinks this.
P.P.S. If you're gonna reply, please try to be civil. I don't want this thread getting closed because you wanna act like you're on 8bc!