You guys actually listen to chip music?
yeah dude, I found this sweet tumblr you should check out:
^_^ is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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You guys actually listen to chip music?
yeah dude, I found this sweet tumblr you should check out:
I think an easy solution to this problem could be said in two words: community involvement.
The chiptune community is kind of a bizarre entity because we constantly see people come and go. The reason being is most people will upload something similar to what is already being done and then no one says anything and they leave. What in fact we are doing to weeding out any kind of potential innovation. It takes awhile for people to come into their own for any type of genre or style of music. Look at anyone's first album then compare it to what they write now, it's almost always different or better (this isn't always the case, I listen to plenty of bands who have transitioned into a sound I don't care for.) If we had more people coming into the scene and sticking around we have a lot more input rather than having the same discussions with the same 15 people who are active here.
To get over this hump more discussion with new artists and even older artists needs to happen for innovation to take place. is a great avenue for all of us to feed off of each other but it seems as though if you're not an already accomplished chip musician within the scene most people don't care. Take me for example. For a long time I was discouraged with writing chipmusic entirely because I would upload tracks and BEG for constructive criticism only to receive maybe a total of 5 comments (spanning 5-6 songs) for the past 2 years like "sounds good" or "a little repetitive, but not bad." Argh! Where is it repetitive?, What did you like particularly?, What can I do to make it better? I'm a perfectionist and I thrive on criticism, compliments are also a big boost to motivation, I prefer the harshest of criticism because that just gives me the drive to make it even better. Don't be afraid to criticize even the most accomplished among us. No one is above being criticized, people will always critique everything to themselves why not make it known? Voice an opinion and make it better. Bouncing ideas off of each other is crucial to innovation. Very few people ever innovate alone.
Take it a step further. If you listen to someone and think "this person has something going here" do a split album or write a song with them and feature them in it. This is not only great exposure for new artists but collaboration is a great way to write a track (probably easier as well, since there's two or more people working on it) and expand on an existing idea. Other artists are constantly featuring new people in their tracks, hip hop especially. Shit, Korn did a bunch of songs with Skrillex and in turn it expanded what they were already doing. Punk and hardcore bands have been doing splits with bands for decades, so why not us?
I'm aware that music or any art form is very egocentric. Almost all of us are much to wrapped up in what we have going on to do these things but if you have enough energy to complain, you have enough energy to fix it. You don't have to hold people's hands and constructively criticize every track you listen to but doing a little bit more than coming on here and circle jerking with the same people day in and day out is a start.
You also get exactly what I'm trying to say. I'd love to see more collaboration and community involvement and a hands on approach.
There's nothing I love more than going to 8static or Pulsewave and helping a newcomer finish a track because I helped them sketch out a simple bass instrument or showed them a new way to make kick drums or snares, etc. I like giving that kind of help and feedback to people and I think we'd see more artists coming into their own a lot sooner.
Heosphoros wrote:You guys actually listen to chip music?
yeah dude, I found this sweet tumblr you should check out:^_^
it's very "chipmusic chipmusic" though. I mean, that's the stuff the guy is trying to get away from isn't it?
theghostservant wrote:yeah dude, I found this sweet tumblr you should check out:^_^
it's very "chipmusic chipmusic" though. I mean, that's the stuff the guy is trying to get away from isn't it?
"chipmusic chipmusic"
all this bullshit going-off-on-a-dubstep-tangent in newer chiptune artists should stop. It is so annoying when you have a song thats cool and danceable but than you just make it really corny by doing stupid dubstep wubs and bass in the middle just for mass-appeal. This happens in every electronic genre nowadays. Like, okay, if you're going to make dubstep, make a new moniker for your dubstep project, or at least make a single song that is solely a dubstep vibe. But it pisses me off when people are playing a set and it sound like something completely not like dubstep, and is more intellegent sounding than dubstep, but than you stop that and do some stupid wubby interlude as if only to scream "Hey guys look, we're in!!".
Stop please.
Chipmusic (or chiptune) is really great and I will always do/listen to it (well I hope
) !
My advice is go check some demoscene stuffs if you are tired of a lot of these newcommers that is just SabreUnce...
Compared to a lot of these ex-myspace spammers, (YOOO YOU LIKE CHIPCHUUUNES, CHK MY PAGE AND LISTEN TO MY BAND BLIP BLIP BLOOP, ADD ME BITCH !!!) you can't go wrong with demosceners !!!
Second that.
If you're tired of today's chipmusic here's a good FTP with old stuff. Always fun to take a night clicking and listening to a lot of different artists and chips.
Last edited by xylo (Mar 25, 2012 7:09 pm)
To everyone that has posted so far:
"yeah well that's just like, your opinion, man"
I've seen this thread a thousand times before.
These days I feel like I'm downloading 1 or 2 excellent new releases each week. I think that's pretty awesome. Seriously excellent music is coming from both established artists and newcomers alike. I don't waste time listening to the crap so maybe ignorance is just bliss... but I also believe that if most of the stuff out there is just crap, well, that makes me look better.
Oh yeah I forgot, what I hate with most of the new guys...
Damn !
My main beef is with chipmusicians covering other chipmusician's tracks.
It seems to be a trend. A very sterile one.
I guess people ran out of mainstream tracks to cover and have to move on to incestuous cocksucking.
The next logical step is to cover each other's covers.
Can't wait.
Smoke some weed and every track is a new experience!
there is nothing that chiptune people like to do more than complain about chiptune. other than perhaps drink beer and complain about chiptune.