San Angelo, TX

Does anyone know of a gameboy emulator that can record WAVs?
Like i have said in a previous post, My LSDJ cartridges have taken a shit on me and because i have been working so much havent found time to replace there batteries.
So i thought id give the emulator a try!
something like FCUEX does with the NES (I have been messing around with NTRQ lately)
Please send me a link to the site or better yet, because im thring to download it at school, upload your emulator to Mediafire.
Also i would prefer it if i didnt have to install anything, Its a pain in the ass at school.

Also: The reason i need it to export wavs is because my school computer has the audio panel in windows blocked so i can not set it up to record the sounds the computer is making.

Or Better yet just upload KiGB to a mediafire account and post the link!

nitro2k01 edit: subject line made clearer

Last edited by nitro2k01 (Apr 4, 2012 2:48 pm)

San Angelo, TX
Screamforme99 wrote:

Or Better yet just upload KiGB to a mediafire account and post the link!



The Netherlands
StarKnives wrote:


Should work:

There's a build in record function and no real installation process. Just drag and drop smile
I should mention though, the sound won't be the same!

Last edited by RoccoW (Apr 4, 2012 1:08 pm)


BGB yo! Even gives you separate channels out. VBA's sound is shit, just so you know.

Madison, Alabama
nitro2k01 wrote:

BGB yo! Even gives you separate channels out. VBA's sound is shit, just so you know.

This 1000 times over.  VBA sounds terrible.  BGB is actually pretty accurate sounding, imho.

I actually just record BGM for the audio examples I use on LSDJ and You columns (out of laziness not wanting to mess with a DMG for a 30 sec clip).

I write on BGB all the time and record from the DMG.  BGB is pretty close.  Usually just a little tweaking and you're there.  BGB all the way.

Tacoma, WA


What he said...

Sydney, NSW
RoccoW wrote:

I should mention though, the sound won't be the same!

roboctopus wrote:

VBA sounds terrible.

Hold the phone!
I remember hearing a while back that you can somehow change the emulation mode of VBA from GBA mode to GB mode, improving the sound greatly. Lifesaver!

nitro2k01 wrote:

BGB yo! Even gives you separate channels out.

Really? Wow, that's awesome! I've been hoping something like this would exist soon tongue

Last edited by Chainsaw Police (Apr 4, 2012 10:49 pm)