
I want to set up my 64M USB cart so I can transfer saves from the cart to my PC.  I've followed the instructions from the CD such as assigning the system files, the instructions then say to close program and restart my computer and then direct the installer to the system files, but I can't get an installer to come up, I can't find an installer program and when I plug the cable into the cart nothing happens.

Any help would be appreciated thank you.

Lexington, KY

64 bit system or 32?


I have a 64 bit operations system.


Operating* system.. but you got what I meant. lol

Lexington, KY

Try loading the GB_USB program first, before you plug in the cable. My system doesn't recognize the cart either, unless the program is already running.

Savannah, Georgia

this is an EMS USB cartridge, is it not? and i'm assuming you're running vista/7 64bit. the 64-bit driver is unsigned, therefore you're going to have to enable test mode on your OS for the driver to work correctly. instructions should be somewhere in the driver installation manual. let me know if you have other problems.


No that doesn't work either.  Thanks for trying though.


Aeros it is an EMS USB correct.  And I'm on Windows 7.  And I am in test mode actually.  So I'm not sure what's going wrong.  When I plug in the cable it makes a noise almost like the traditional noise when the PC recognizes a device but it stopped short.  It's odd.

Savannah, Georgia

hmmm... i'm also running w7 in test mode, and after using the application to sign the driver before installation it seemed to work fine. but the way you just described it makes it seem like a computer-based hardware issue, if any. so here's what i want you to do:

>Press Start
>Select the Control Panel from the right side of the Start Menu
>At the top of the window, set the view to Large Icons if you haven't already
>Select Device Manager
>Plug in the device

tell me what happens.

Last edited by Aeros (Apr 11, 2012 12:30 am)


Ok sorry it took so long got caught up with something here at home.  Anyway I got the drivers install but the program wont do anything.  It says the device is disconnected.  But it does recognize that the Cart in hooked up.

Savannah, Georgia

what do you mean? the device manager recognizes that the cart is working but the actual program doesn't acknowledge that? if that's the case, then something went wrong with the actual driver installation. i'm not exactly sure where one might go wrong there (you can fuck up in a LOT of places). i know i'm really starting to sound like a bad tech support here, but just try reinstalling the driver using the instructions given in the driver installation manual.

or just wait until kitsch gets here, he could probably figure out what's up with the drivers better than i can

Last edited by Aeros (Apr 11, 2012 12:48 am)


Yeah it's weird... the computer knows what's installed now, and the program lists LSDJ-v4.5.4 four times under the Card Information screen, but at the bottom of the program it says device disconnected and I can't do anything. 

Thanks for the help, at least the computer recognizes the device.  I'll try reinstalling the drivers and if that fails then I suppose I'll wait for Kitsch.

Savannah, Georgia

waitwaitwoahwoahwoah. STOP. hang on. DON'T REINSTALL. hang on a fucking minute.

Last edited by Aeros (Apr 11, 2012 12:56 am)

Savannah, Georgia

if the program was able to read the card, then the drivers are working fine, but the device only appears to be connecting momentarily. this could be a physical hardware issue. bad tech support suggestion #2-- try using a different USB port on your computer or a different USB cable, if you haven't already.

Last edited by Aeros (Apr 11, 2012 1:00 am)

Sydney, NSW
Aeros wrote:

try using a different USB port on your computer or a different USB cable, if you haven't already.

I had this problem with my cart, changing cables solved it 100%


It's one problem after another lol. I got the cart to work but now I can't get lsd Manager to work.  My computer tells me it doesn't know what to open the file with.  I have java, but something isn't working.