Savannah, Georgia

it's more than likely your version of Java, then. that's pretty unstable in 64-bit OSes as well. ORACLE says you're supposed to install both 32- and 64-bit versions of the Java software for most programs to work, so I suggest trying that.


Thank you Aeros, you've been a lot of help and I appreciate that, and everyone else who responded for that matter. To the issue at hand, I actually have both versions of the latest java installed and I even uninstalled, downloaded the latest versions online and installed them but still nothing. 

I've tried looking up online for the problem but I've been unsuccessful at finding any relevant information on the matter.

Is there any other way to get the lsdsng files from the .gb file?


Alright. Again I want to thank everyone for the help.  Sometimes it's good to leave and come back to a problem after you've had some time to refresh.  I figured out my problem, I was extracting the files, thinking that was what I needed to run the program.  But I see now that I just use Java to open the zip file and it runs fine.

Savannah, Georgia


Last edited by Aeros (Apr 11, 2012 3:08 pm)

Savannah, Georgia

ah, alright. happy to help, for what little help i actually provided.


I'm sure I haven't articulated my problems or how I solved them very well but I suppose now it doesn't matter.  It all works, I can backup my saves and import and export lsdsng files to and from my GB and PC.   

Sorry to be off topic but I wanted to say as a final note:

All too often I've been to a forum with a problem and there are always individuals who jump in only to tell me that I've asked a stupid question to a problem I should be able to figure out on my own and then leave no help in solving said problem.  But you guys gave me constructive advice, and that's a nice change of pace.

Anyway I'm off to make some jams on my Gameboy. smile

Last edited by 8bitfascination (Apr 11, 2012 3:21 pm)


Install a java SDK like eclipse and you run it from there. that's the easiest way. I know theres a way to run java in command prompt but I prefer to use eclipse