Thanks for all the feedback guys!
Protip: there are keyboard shortcuts. Shift+D to download, ← to skip back, Space to play/pause, → to skip forward, Shift+L to like, and V to view the current song on
Changes coming this weekend when I can work on this some more:
- Next song autoplay on mobile (desktop already does)
- Better queuing behavior
- Ability to un-like songs from the dialog
- Ability to play liked songs and songs in history right from the dialog
- Song title and artist in the tab title
- Clearer offline state
Some future things I want do to:
- Notifications with media controls
- Dark theme
- Playlists
- Automatically store certain playlists and liked songs offline
- Apps for all da OSes
- Optional full-page visualizer
- Updating the URL with the current song for easy sharing
Once again thank you for all the comments. I'm super excited people like this and are using it. 
Unfortunately I don't think I can filter special cases like this... I also don't have it setup to sync changes to old songs...