Check this article

Is Pulseaudio installed on your system? I know LGPT can make trouble without it.

The device herr_prof linked on Instagram is a Kites Circuit Sword (RPi CM3). MIDI output is by using an Arduinoboy.

What is this Fates?
I'm not very much into the whole modular thing, prefer trackers big_smile

Regarding RPi 4 - sure it's nice with quicker boot times but Piggy runs very fine on RPi zero. More resources doesn't equate better performance if the CPU meter peaks at 30% wink

M8tracker is a beautiful thing and I recommend everyone to get it, but it's gonna be considerably more pricey than this project. I bet Tim will be done with his launch before I get my act together, but one can't stress perfection. smile

The NerdSEQ thing looks Huge, way too big for my sensitive wrists haha! big_smile

Analog sync for LGPT would require rewriting the application, I'd recommend building a Teensy Arduinoboy, this way one can get a USB-MIDI+Analog sync in one device.

Polarity of MIDI minijack - great point!
The beauty of DIY is that one can customise their things to their liking. How to configure the standard of the plug should definitely be part of the build guide.

My dream device would be able to run SunVox too. The closest I've gotten to that is PocketCHIP but I still haven't figured out how to eliminate ALSA underruns on that thing.

What fully-featured handhelds are people using in 2020 for running LGPT?
I'm using a Circuit Sword by Kite. USB MIDI is great, a dedicated mini-TRS serial MIDI would be greater.
The sound chip is awesome. Based around a CM102S+ USB audio interface, it has a built-in Dynamic Range Control, aka a master bus compressor that can be used for fun and profit.
My main complaint about Kites Circuit Sword is that the shoulder buttons are placed inconveniently for my weak, carpal tunnely hands. Also, the audio volume isn't very loud out of the box and requires manual hardware hacking.
I'm considering designing a handheld with a Gameboy Advance SP form factor and I'd like to make check of interest check for a project like this with good assembly instructions.

The unit I'm envisioning would run on a Raspberry Pi Zero (or maybe even a Banana Pi M2 Zero if I'm feeling adventurous).
This would be available as a DIY kit requiring soldering and light GBA SP case modification.
It will run the RetroPie distro and boot directly into Piggy and will therefore be able to run a plethora of retro games if one wants to switch to LSDJ or when one wants to kill time in between beatmaking.

This unit would have the following features:
Dedicated RetroPie image, aka burn to SD card get piggin'.
GBA SP form factor requiring minimal case modification.
Audio jack with volume that can go loud enough for plugging into a mixer.
A master bus compressor that can be "pushed" by adjusting the Piggy project / sample volume.
MIDI in/out over USB and / or MIDI out via 3.5-TRS jack.
Safe shutdown
Project available as a guide for sourcing parts and how to assemble it.
Cost of approximately $100 depending on how you choose to source parts.

My questions to you:
Is this project relevant or is there already a unit out there that ticks enough of these boxes?
Would you prefer USB MIDI or UART MIDI?
Do you have any suggestions?
What are your unanswered questions?

I've read a couple of threads that seem to imply that there is a desire for this kind of device and I'd love to contribute something to the beautiful LGPT community out there.



(55 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

For anyone returning, the binary for CHIP/PocketCHIP is found here: … el6tuiL95A

Archived BBS on … based/9293

Build instructions:

Makefile: set PLATFORM:=RASPI
Makefile.DEB: add -fpermissive to CFLAGS
Build with JACK by first sudo apt install libjack-dev


(22 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

I'd personally love to see a LGPT V2 even though I'm very interested in the M8 too.
I guess the M8 will be ported to other platforms eventually, but I already have several units that run LGPT quite well and I see no reason to retire the good old LGPT just because something more shiny comes along. smile

Just did a short smoketest with LGPT running on a Kites' Circuit Sword, seems to perform pretty good!
I'll do extensive testing when finishing building the kit.

Lazy_Nerd wrote:

Has anyone given this a test with a Pi 3?

This thread indicated that the person got it running but the audio was distorted. Don't know if any buffer size configuration was attempted, I'm gonna give it a shot when I can find the time. … pberry-pi/

Dope stuff bro! smile


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Shit that was awesome!
Thanks for sharing smile

I'm trying to understand what you did here, do you mean you damaged the flat ribbon cable from the front circuit board?
It sounds like a short-circuit, as the button is kept pressed no matter what you do.

However, by looking at the schematic (here: it seems like the B button should be affected too. Is this the case as well?


(1 replies, posted in Releases)

Dope man!
Are the chordy sounds just the Nanoloop?

I did not, does MIDI mode enable anything more over SLAVE, i.e CC control of parameters, etc?

Ah good explanation, it didn't occur to me that they might be part of the same GPIO port. Thanks! smile

OK apparently, quadrouple-checking the wiring doesn't help unless you actually count the pins on the uC!
Now I have pics of all the signals, in and out, and I'm happy with an explanation on why all the gameboy connections are made with analog outputs on the Arduino when the signals are digital. smile

Clock Signal: … skaczmarek

Serial in: … skaczmarek

Serial out: … skaczmarek

Cool! :3