Nicely done, Rush Coil! smile

So, when will the SMS midi interface be available on a larger scale?

We are broke as well. smile
But there are pretty cheap flights, if you live in Europe. We can think of everything else!

Thanks! smile

Yeah! Love the moonshine!

Whoa, lots of great submissions. The comp will rock.

And yes, a lot of love was put in my song. Space Harrier was my favourite game when I was a little sega kid. Memories!

Awesome indeed.


(152 replies, posted in Collaborations)

I've been late, but I finally submitted my track. smile

Awesome idea. I'll submit something. smile

fuck yeah!

Mind blown. But that's waaaaaaaaay out of my league.


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Pac DS for the win.

Nice lineup! Looking forward to come to Athens and play with you guys. smile

Sure! Drop me a email at fabio (dot) bortolotti (at) gmail (dot) com

My friend is also sending me new ones.

Also, here's a couple of links explaining what is what:

Bursting (the crackling peaks emerging from the white noise)

Something about what you are hearing … cillations

My friend is also explaining me other thing about this, if you are curious don't be afraid to ask. smile

Too bad: Australia (Duckstralia) is on the opposite side of earth. I live in Italy... Rock the show! smile

Wizwars wrote:

(even though my once decent enough skills have been reduced to playing like a fucking child due to not playing in a while).

And to use the shitty Xbox 360 d-pad. smile

Gastro Boy. smile

I don't play online that much, but I'm always happy to chat.