(24 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

@yoyz2k Cheers, phase is using alsa. It doesn't have a hard coded sample rate but if you want to change it, it will require a reboot. It shouldn't take more than a few seconds though to do (esc, ok, arrow down, enter). On the Pi it seems like you can pick pretty much any sample rate you want, on the chip however my experience was that the one you want need to match the .asoundrc. I haven't found a method either for reading the current hardware sample rate, which would be the nicest solution. Now I have to ask for a sample rate and I might get it or I might not.

My recommendation is still using 22050 Hz though for the best experience. smile It is has enough bandwidth to produce good notes and it is fast enough for the chip to process.

Also on the chip you need to modify the .asoundrc to add a phase plugin because the os has a hold on the default sound hw:0,0 all the time.




(24 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

@herr_prof The solution I provide at the website is global and require a reboot unfortunately, at least of the synth. I am really no expert at configuring the .asoundrc but yeah @breakphase method might work, it might also need some kind of converter node in there, not sure.

Sorry I am not much more help here.. I will let you guys know if I figure out a better method.




(24 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

@rumpelfilter It's definitely a interesting idea. Will try to have a look at that soon. smile Cheers

@herr_prof It's my recommendation to run it at 22050Hz but you could always try it I guess. There is a bigger risk of underruns at 44100 Hz, and with polyphony. Mono and arpeggio should be pretty safe I think without getting clicks.




(24 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

@PULSELOOPER Yeah it's anoying sometimes with international shippings. smile

@Domu I've not tested it but I am pretty sure it will run on the normal chip. The pocket chips is basically the chip but with the screen and keyboard. As I understand it is running the same os under the hood, only the pocket version has a slightly different interface. But worst case you can always flash your chip to run the pocket chip os. Cheers for the encouragment. smile I am not stopping yet, still have stuff to do.

@rumpelfilter I have not had a look at the Noobs / PI app store, didn't really know it existed. Have to do some investigation on that. Cheers for sharing that thought,.

@yoyz2k Thanks. smile


(24 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

@rumpelfilter Ooops, yeah that is a nice 404 page. I assumed it would parse the link without the full stop. It runs on raspberry pi too if you have one of those lying around. smile




(24 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Hey guys, developer here. Cheers for the nice comments. @Matej I am in UK and bought mine straight from the pocket chip website, https://getchip.com/pages/pocketchip. They are based in america but sent it from Hong Kong. Don't think I had to pay any extra tax on it if I remember correct.

@breakphase Yeah there is a small amount of terminal you have to do as you figured out, it is a linux device. But if you struggle I am always happy to help you if you send me an email or something.



2xAA wrote:

Has anybody tried this with a 32M?
I seem to be having major issues with it...

Hmm, sorry I have not tried the 32M. I will do some investigation, see if I can find some more info on the specs of the cart and stuff. If you are up to it it would be interesting to see a picture of the glitches, maybe you can send one to my email, it's on my profile page I think.

Also I hope everyone have a good christmas. God Jul! smile


Cheers guys for all the nice comments, I really appreciate it.

Domu wrote:

... if you go to the Gogo penguin / mammal hands show in Manc in Feb, let me know and il buy you a pint there wink

Definitely, sounds fun. I am not sure yet if I am going but it is not unlikely, given how many gogo penguin gigs I have been to before. Might see you there. smile



Thanks @cTrix. smile Also a new build is up, adding 3 channel polyphonic mode. It is the same link as before, http://www.humbletune.com/chord/.




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Coolio. I hope you guys will not be too disappointed. I'm don't think I will make chord into a sequencer, it is too far away from the initial idea I think. I want it more to like an instrument and not something you program and press play. Plus lsdj and nanoloop both do sequencing already very good.

At this stage I will add the ability to play with the three voices. Later I think I want to look into doing full midi note triggering.

Cheers. smile



(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Cheers guys for writing, really appreciate it. I have been doing some experimenting over the weekend. It took me a while to work out but I think eventually I hit on something that sounds and feels ok to play. I will need a few days though to get the settings right for it, I think.

@Domu Sinusoid is a 4 channel tracker. It has three channels with different waves, like sinusoid, square, trianlge, saw and pulse and a drum channel with samples or noise. Then there are some effects like arpeggiator,  tape delay, sample rate crush and bit crush. It does stuff like midi in, audio bus, .aiff export and soundcloud upload. iPad 2 and up should be fine if you have that. I'll send you a promo code.




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Domu wrote:

so wait, there is no intention to get chord playing multiple channels per trigger (ie actual simultaneous chords?) please say it aint so Erik!

Well it was never the reason for making chord and it is not why I named it chord. That being said I very much would like to see chord evolve and if I can think of how to do it in an intuative and playable way, I will do it. I am very open to ideas and suggestions.

Cheers smile



(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

JodyBigfoot wrote:

ha ha. I Guess mcnuggets dont have chicken in

smile Pink slime with the odd bits of chicken or something. I guess it is a question of definition. I don't have any training in music but is it only a chord while all notes are on at the same time?! I would call a picked chord still a chord anyway, but I can see the confusion it causes, which is why I mentioned it.

The hardware of the gameboy however is very limited and to do more advanced stuff you would have to utilise the fifth channel available through a custom cartridge I think, but then you could argue that is not really the gameboy making the sound anymore, more acting like a speaker.

And cheers @rumpelfilter again, glad someone enjoys it. smile



(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

JodyBigfoot wrote:

What would be ideal for me is if Chord had decent sync and decent save,

Cool. From my tests the sync works good, any usb midi clock should work. smile

JodyBigfoot wrote:

With that, but that would enable me two LSDJs without worrying about using 2 or 3 of my already Limited channel to make the chords i need

Just to give you the heads up before you buy anything, chord is monophonic, despite of what the name might imply. But it can play arpeggios.




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

JodyBigfoot wrote:

Was there any progress on getting a save feature? Almost useless to me without one!

Hi. Not sure how chord would do with reggae, but it would be interesting to hear. smile The save problem in emulators was fixed by updating the rom headers. If you have a cart though, depending on which one it might work or it might not. The one I absolutely know for sure works is the ems smart card, that is the one I use for testing. Also rom only carts will not work because they have no ram and the nanoloop carts with extra slots will not work either because they use a different method of saving for its custom hardware, and I don't know the code to make that happen.

What cart do you use?




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Domu wrote:

ah Rumpelfilter beat me to it but I too have midi sync working over here via LSDJ slave mode with Arduinoboy.

Good stuff. Cheers Domu for testing also. I shall change the info on the website then to say it works with arduinoboy too. smile

