(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

rumpelfilter wrote:

Actually applications like Nanoloop or LSDJ let you do that by using for example the L and R channel and just having two (or three if you use the custom wave channel too) notes play at the same time. But it's not a deal breaker, it can be a choice to focus on just the arpeggios.

I did toy with the idea of using the other two channels but I never figured out something that made sense playing. There is definitely potential there I think. I should try give it a try.

rumpelfilter wrote:

ok I see, but isn't that button also used to enter edit mode?

It is yes but it depends on the play lock timer horizontally along the top of the screen. While that is not to its far left you can still use it in the play mode way.

rumpelfilter wrote:

btw. I've got many of your iOS apps, I like Nils very much! Great work on those!

Cheers. I am glad you like them. It has been a fun little break from more modern development this gameboy project. Quite different in many ways but in many ways not to I guess. Crushed bits and all that is always fascinating to me.



(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

rumpelfilter wrote:

I have one question: this is intended to play only arps isn't it? It can't do actual chords, like in more notes layered on top of another. Or did I miss something?

Hi. Good point I think. Maybe I have to rename the app. The gameboy is quite limited hardware and chord can only play monophonic sounds. So it plays chords in a sense you can pick chords on a guitar.

rumpelfilter wrote:

The other thing I don't get is: what's that "left button" mode thing? Which left button is meant?

This is the d-pad left button. This comes in two modes. You can either use it to shift octave up or reset the chord progression to the start.

rumpelfilter wrote:

I would also suggest to streamline the editing process by allowing full control with the d-pad, being able to move up and down from line to line would make it a lot more pleasant to edit. Also a button or button combo to exit the edit more would also be a welcome edition

Very good ideas there too. I think I need to revise my desicions of keeping things simple. Sometimes simple is too simple perhaps. smile

Thanks for the input @rumpelfilter. Much appreciated.



(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

@rvan Ok cheers, it makes more sense now. Sorry I have not tested any Linux distribution. It was definitely wrong of me to assume the linux browsers to behave like the ones I do have access to. However looking at the stats the number of hits from Linux users is tiny in comparison.

I will look into what I can do to improve your issues.




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Cheers @rvan, all very good points, most which where consider during the development process. I might look over my choices again though.

rvan wrote:

The website, however, is in serious need of some compatibility and usability testing.

What device, operating system and browser are you using? I have tested most of the common combinations I think, but it is obviously impossible to try them all. I am always happy if people go to the website rather than just downloading the rom, as there is some useful information on there for some.




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Calavera wrote:

PS: Is everyone else getting fairly substantial fuzz/feedback when playing notes? I've tested it on 3 gameboys.

Cheers for pointing this out. I had a look around in the sound registers and manage to improve the noise levels. I have uploaded a new build, version 1.0.2.




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thank you very much @KeFF and @breakphase. I really appreciate it. I patched the rom header last night so now it should save fine in the emulators also. Version 1.0.1 can be found at the same link as before:





(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

@nitro2k01 Hehe. smile You have passed the initial scrolling test. You are now worthy of a free gameboy program. smile

@KeFF You can also visit my vine page, https://vine.co/humbleTUNE. Thanks for taking interest.



(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

@Calavera Cheers. Yeah the wave channel I feel would be quite cool. Not sure the noise channel fits in this format. But who knows. smile

My gameboy pocket is quite noisy in general. But you could try cranking up the initial envelope value. That  increases the volume and lowers the noise a bit.




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

@nitro2k01 Thanks I will look into that as soon as possible. I feel I still have some things to learn here. smile I have not even come across this rgbfix. Good stuff.

@J3wel It should save on slot 0 aswell. This saving business was more tricky than I thought. smile




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey developer here. First, thank you very much for the positive response. smile

@J3wel About the save issues I am not sure. Good point on that it is confusing if a save occurs. I think I need to add a visual queue or something. Pressing A on the floppy disk looking icon should save into the selected save slot. I am not sure what .sav files are, chord saves straight into the ram of your cart. Depending on the cart I think some use a battery to save. I have the same ems 64 cart as @concretedog and I believe it works without a battery. Then pressing A on the folder looking icon should load the selected slot.

The emulators I have tried though none seem to save like this, but you can rather save the current state.

Hope that helps. Please let me know if there is still not working.

