(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hey guys. Yeah, some of the results are really quite interesting. I'm especially surprised by the 25 people who haven't been to a gig. I think that says quite a lot. There were some people, although they were a minority that said that they just weren't interested in going to a gig but most said it was because gigs were too hard to get too.

I wonder if there is any connection to the fact that playing computer games is, in essence a solipsistic experience - a solo experience where you are completely invested in the game. Now obviously you can play multiplayer etc, but I'm sure you understand what I mean.

Is their interest in making or listening to chiptunes akin to their experience of playing computer games where it is something you do by yourself? Do they feel that there is a connection between chiptunes and computer games or do they think of chiptunes as being something completely separate and just another genre/form of music that they're into?
If anybody who said they hadn't been to any gigs, and weren't interested are reading this, I would be really really interested in any expansion you could give.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hey guys,

Ok, so, as promised, the results to the survey that 101 of you took part in. Unfortunately it would seem that for some reason the survey software or perhaps the survey website had some errors at various point because there are 33 people who's answers weren't saved past the first page of questions. It's possible that 33 people just skipped the last 23 or so questions, but I don't think so. So thats a real shame.

Anyway, I would like to say a mega thank you to everyone for their efforts, I really really appreciate it! I think its pretty cool to see a few people have recently been doing surveys on chiptunes for their essays/thesis's/dissertations and I was happy to see Jansaw posted his thesis, and a massive thanks to him for sending me a copy too!

So, I'm not sure how to upload the .pdf of the results. If someone could let me know and I will do so, but beware!!!!!! it is a MASSIVE .pdf, like huge, you really really have to zoom in and it's kind of difficult to read. Unfortunately, it was the only way I could collate the results from the file I got from the survey site and its the best I could do for now. (also there are only 100 results on the .pdf not 101)

If you can't be bothered to read it though here are some interesting points from the survey.

Peoples locations:
USA: 56
England: 11
Canada: 6
Australia: 4
France: 3
Finland: 3
Netherlands: 3
Sweden: 3
Brazil: 1
Denmark: 1
Germany: 1
Ireland: 1
Israel: 1
Italy: 1
Mexico: 1
Russia: 1
South Africa: 1
Spain: 1
Wales: 1

Only 5 out of the 101 were female

Under 18: 13
18 - 24: 33
25 - 30: 33
31 - 35: 16
36+: 6
(Apologies for any offence with this question, I should have kept standard survey question age brackets here, but the point was that if you were of an age, you grew up with these consoles as part of your life rather than them being made before you, if you get my meaning)

Do you like music that has a mix that includes chiptune elements or music that is only “pure” chiptunes?
A mix: 9
"Pure" Chiptunes: 13
Both: 47

Only 5 people out of the 68 answers I have said they make chiptunes.

How many chiptunes gigs have you been to?
0: 25
1-5: 22
6-10: 5
11-20: 6
21+: 11

Do you care if an act doesn’t use hardware such as a Gameboy or NES when performing live?
I don't care: 35
Yes, I prefer to see hardware: 30
Yes, hardware is an absolute must! It's not real otherwise: 3


(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hey guys. Wow! So far there's been a really good response, 43 people so far. So thanks to everyone who has taken part, and please, anyone who hasn't, jump in!

I feel that I should try to clear up the term 'fandom' though because it seems that there is a bit of a negative connotation associated to it. I certainly don't want people to walk away with anything negative. You are correct Victory Road, chiptunes isn't a fandom, its a genre or a movement, or a style, or an ethos, or a culture, or a sub-culture, or just some fun you have with your mates, or whatever anyone wants it to be.

However, anyone who likes something could be considered a fan, just as Picasso would have been a fan or art or J.R.R Tolkien a fan of words etc. So the term fandom is more about the social aspect that links all the people who like and enjoy chiptunes together, like this forum and community.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that a fan is someone who is a supporter of what they like, and many of you certainly are that, as you contribute to chiptunes by making them, putting on gigs or events etc, or even subscribing to chipmusic.org. There isn't anything like a 'tumblr culture' here, there is only chiptunes culture (or whatever you want to call it), and fans, you guys! So my sincere apologies to anyone who thought that I'm a fat cat trying to monetise chiptunes and turn it into some sort of Starbucks machine. I make chiptunes as well as other types of music and try to make computer games too, I'm definitely a fan of both!

Another way to title this thread would have been 'A study of people who like chiptunes' the word fandom is just saying, the fans, a study into people who like chiptunes.

I hope that explains a little more.

Hey Cortuor, yeah I thought they'd be tough ones! ha ha.

And thanks again for everyone who's taken the survey.



(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hey sandneil and arlen, thanks very much for getting involved with the comments.

sandneil - Cheers dude that's very much appreciated. Thanks very much for the heads up, however, I'm just looking for fans of chiptunes and I think that a large portion of chiptunes fans are actually makers of chiptunes, so, it's all relative.

arlen - Hey. Again, thanks for commenting. Ummmm, sorry if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing your comment is a joke right? Cheers.


(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hey guys,

So I'm new on the forums here and firstly I'd like to say hi! I am a composer & sound designer and I'm currently studying a BA in Commercial Music at the University of Westminster in London. Also I'm a big fan of chiptunes!

I'm currently in the process of writing my thesis on the fandom of chiptunes and I'm in desperate need of help. I have created a survey with about 26 questions all relating to chiptunes for research. I know its quite a big ask, especially seeing as how this is my first post but if any of you could take the time to fill it out I will be eternally grateful! I will also share the results of the survey on the forum here as I'm sure the result will be interesting for everyone.

The survey should take less than 10 minutes and the whole thing is anonymous, so if you do take part, please be as honest as you can.

Like I said, I'll give it a week or so and I'll post the results here.

I hope you're all having a good day.

Thanks for your help, here is the link ...

