(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Je nachdem woher Du kommst glaub ich es kommt fast auf's gleiche raus ob Du ein BL aus Übersee kommen läßt oder das hier aus DE bestellst - ich hab selbst schon alle möglichen BL's installiert und das hier schlägt sie alle qualitativ um Längen. Ich kenne die Auflage nicht, aber ich denke allzuviele werden's nicht gewesen sein, ob da ne große Gewinnspanne zwischen liegt wag ich auch mal zu bezweifeln...
Farben derzeit leider nur per Folie, vielleicht kommt da in Zukunft was, entzieht sich leider meiner Kenntnis.

9-Heart wrote: Backlights from Germany. The price seems pretty high even if buying a bulk. Are there colors planned in the future?
I wrote: If your're from Germany ordering one of those would cost pretty much the same as buying one in the US and paying the shipping to Germany. I have installed all the other BL's myself and I can confirm that this one has the highest quality. I donno how much have been produced but I doubt that it was a massive production, that in mind I don't think they make a shitload of money with it. Colors are not planned afaik but you can use colored film as it works quite well.

Hi guys, I wanted to let you know that a new backlight for the DMG Game Boy is out.
I had the chance to work with Stefan from backlight4you, that's the developer, since february on this. Many prototypes were made and they were all very good and built with the intention that the light emission should be as even as possible.
Long story short, here it is:

Or if you prefer to see a video instead of photos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu-objN216U

You can get them here in different configurations, eg with or without bivert:
http://www.backlight4you.com/product_in … atine.html