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Topics by HI5KI
Posts found: 4
sandneil wrote:sounded like fm to me haha *shrug*
some thoughts about this
- not totally incompetent
- some interesting musical ideas
- proper sick beats innit
- beyond the intro no part of the song DOESN'T have "proper sick beats" over it
- it is a bit messy / sloppy
- structure is complex and difficult to follow
- the instruments are fairly plain/unembellished
Hey, thanks for the feedback! You're the only one so far haha! Yea, this is my second attempt ever and I didn't even try to make an EMI winning track. Just trying out some badass sounds to use when I get more experienced
However, your thought about putting too many sounds on each other as a messy wholeness was true and that's something I need to get rid of. But yea, I've been doing this for couple of weeks now so I believe I'm advancing kinda well. Thanks again for the feedback and have a nice weekend!
Yes, I'm using LSDJ. Thanks, I'm gonna try that out. By saying "push it a little more square-like" you mean editing it in wave screen?
Hi there again!
My second track is more like music what I will focus on when I get better. I'm just missing that deep sine wave bass. I love it but don't know how to create it. If you don't know what kind of sound I'm talking about, you can find it here at 2:14:
I'd have some use for it in my next tracks. By the way, let me know what you think of my second chiptune ever, I really appreciate feedback.
Hi all. Just curious of what do you guys think of my first chiptune. I made it with LSDj using GBC, but put some EQ and compressor in audition.
I'm very new to this all so be kind, haha.
Thanks for your feedback!
Posts found: 4 / Forums / Posts by HI5KI