I see! Thanks for that information. I did always notice that whenever the phrase would end, it would do some never-ending delay. That fixed the problem though. This is what I've made just recently: http://chipmusic.org/tybre/music/reggae-tune

This is what I did:

The 1+ octave transposition was just to give it a nice "plop" sound.

So I used the E command instead of the K command, and it seems to work better for me. No clicks or anything. I'm working on a track currently, and when its finished I'll post it up for feedback. I think it'll turn out well.

As mentioned, I am new to LSDJ, how do I go about doing that?

Yeah. I've started this reggae-esque track and I've been making each individual pattern in LSDJ, then recording them into FL Studio and arrange them in there. That way, I can also add effects such as reverb and delay if I need to.

Hey, hope I'm posting this in the correct area. I've just recently gotten LSDJ and have been playing around with it a lot. I notice that when using the envelope on the sounds, it doesn't make a smooth fade, rather makes a click each time. Is there a way to fix this, or is it just something that happens and is a part of the whole chiptune sound?
