A long time ago, before there was even time itself, there was the Me-Me. The Me-Me was great and terrible, the Supreme Being. It was a self-creation born of itself for itself and it was all. Four thousand years ago, it split into six trillion parts and became what we call, the Universe.

Since the beginning of time, over 9,000 years ago, the parts of the Me-Me have changed and become corrupted, shades of their former magnificence, but today, I have for you to purchase one of the last pure pieces of that primordial universe, untainted and virgin. This is the rarest Pepe to have ever been created. It was crafted not by hands but by nature and universal will. Truly the Dao of our Zeitgeist. It is heavenly and perfect in every way. Note the beautiful, super rare Pepe, the distinct wavey-line things, and, of course, that artistic pink gradient on the back. It is enough for Da Vinci, Picaso, and Van Gogh to martyr themselves on a pyre for the glory, the power, and the kingdom of the Me-Me. Also, it is so dank it has a pink backlight and an internal prosound for maximum chiptuning and making music to honor the Me-Me.

Bid. Bid on this and weep. Weep for you know that you will never win this auction but your bid is tribute. You are too weak and broken to ever bid enough to own this but bid anyways. Tribute to something bigger and more important in this universe than you can ever hope to be. Hold the memory and cry of sorrow, loss, and joy. Lose yourself in this relic of obscene glory. It even plays Game Boy games, but does not include 4 AA-batteries. You’ll need them. You’ll also need a rosary, a flail, and some bacon grease. Prostrate yourself and bid on the New God. Long live the New God. Long live the New Flesh.

~*Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.*~
~*10% of the proceeds will be donated to The American Cancer Society*~