(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

urbster1 wrote:

gb player. but it's not portable.

GBP = Gameboy Pocket

I mean prog house is 95% of chiptune man tongue

Chipzel and Shirobon are prolly what you're looking for, but if you want new shit then go with someone like Je Mappelle.

In terms of ambient or chill stuff, just go with Ubiktune's Equilibrium collaboration album. Really soothing shit there.

Also what the guy above me said. Henry Homesweet is really good, and if you love that kind of stuff, Boaconstructor may be right up your alley. Trey Frey's latest stuff as well.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

pselodux wrote:

Yeah I'd go for GBC over GBP.

Have you considered a GBA though? SP perhaps?

I've highly considered them but I hate their form factors.

The GBA is hard to use because of the janky select button placement and the SP can only go out through a 3rd party connector and it's a clamshell.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey all!

So I'm about to plan out my first mod because it's been 3 years of me sittin here twidlin my dick tryin to make music and my shit keeps breaking.

I really like the DMG, but it's falling behind on me and can't keep up with my workload. Slowdowns, skipped notes, etc...

I've heard that the GBC is a great option, but they only lighting option is a frontlight that imho looks awful. On the other hand, the GBP has a similar form factor and the ability to be backlit, but I don't know what the speed of the processor is and if it would even be able to handle my workload. There's also very little documentation I've been able to find on the hardware of the system itself.

So, does the z80 compare better, worse, or equal to whatever the fuck the GBP has?



(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

First off, welcome!

Second, there's a thread for introductions, this may get thrown in the graveyard or renamed to something different. Either way, the thread is kinda against the rules but eh.

Listen to Trey Frey/Boaconstructor/skybox. Probably 3 of the best imho.

Shameless self promo as well.


(329 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

oliver wrote:


can't wait


(329 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey oliver, when can I give you all my money?


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

catskull wrote:

You could try reconnecting the ribbon cable. Does the contrast wheel do anything? Beyond that your best bet is to get a new Gameboy.

Contrast wheel doesn't really help. I'll try the ribbon cable again...


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Bump. Would really like to get some feedback on what's going on.


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey all!

So as some of you may know, my gameboys have suffered a slew of issues dating back as far as a few years ago. This specific gameboy is one that I really would not like to die.

Cloudboy 2.0 (thanks to Stardriver and Ohhainaifu for the amazing work) has (what I think may be) a faulty or badly wired LCD. The backlight is completely fine but the LCD sometimes flickers between everything looking normal to nothing displaying or creating black lines everywhere (but only for half a second). I tested to see if it was an issue with the gameboy not being able to handle my workload but the rest of my gameboys can run it just fine.

I'm worried that something may be off about the soldering or wiring, and I'd rather go in with a soldering iron to fix something than have to replace the guts entirely to get a working LCD.

Any ideas what's going on?


(274 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I will grab pics as soon as I'm near a computer.


So I recently booted up my gameboy with a modded pink backlight, and the screen's contrast as well as pixels consistently flicker, creating glitching visuals.

The last time I used the GB was when I was travelling, but I don't think impact damage was a big issue, as the GB itself was left fairly stationary duing the trip's entirety.

Any thoughts on what might tbe causing the issue?



(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This PR stunt is actually pretty cool imo. The game even references it and everything. They're really going all out.


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

All I can think is "when's the next album coming out"


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hey so um...

This became a thing.
Then it stopped being a thing for 20 minutes.
Then it got leaked. ( http://we.tl/88zwlT52aw )
Then people find a shit ton of unreleased music.
Then they delete 99% of their social media presence and replace it with the leaked game links.
Then people find out that it's a marketing scheme.
