I was waiting for someone to cover this. Thank you.

In terms of CC, you have good compositional techniques but I would still try to vary stuff up even if it is a cover.

Study tables to the max, work on instrumentation all the fucking time.

Also don't overdo pitch bends and be mindful of using bass. You seem to use the low end spastically (not to say that it's not there at all) but it def needs to be more prominent or legato.


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

This is some good shit dude


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(4 replies, posted in Releases)

Brilliant shit man. Fucking loving every second.


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Usually cracks or pops are caused by changes in volume through E commands, kill commands, or stereo commands.

Just a fluke with the gameboy's system. Nothing wrong with your program.

yes I am very weeb trash


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If you wreck shit on a gameboy to the point where DMG's can't handle anything you do anymore like me, or use any sort of crazy dubstep shit without going into GBC mode, then I would highly recommend against using it.

It's a great application, not for recording imho


(0 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Hey y'all

In the spirit of the "I'm writing way too much music and have no idea if this sounds good or not" season, I figured I'd come here for some CC.

Here's the track in question:

Be as brutal as you possibly can be.


A lot of prosound mods only do pre-pot tho, so you need post production anyways.

Prosound is not worth it imho, just use a noise gate or a denoiser.

tenshun wrote:

Have you installed a resistor with the frontlight connecting to the positive rail? That might prevent it from draining too much energy when hitting play.

maybe a 100k resistor might work.

I haven't tried that.

I may have a few spare but I will check...

Ledfyr wrote:

Are you using alkaline batteries?
My frontlit gbc was dim on rechargeable (nimh). It took a while for me to figure out I had to use alkaline.
Seems like 1.5 V is needed.

That's exactly what I'm using though...


Hi everyone!

So I've been using my GBC for a few days now, and I've noticed that whenever I start playback on a song the frontlight gets extremely dim, and now has a much more noticeable high pitched hum. The batteries are fairly new, and this has been noticeable from putting them in.

Any ideas how to fix this?


Jazzmarazz wrote:

In that case, you will remove the surface mounted capacitors and solder the 4.7uF caps in their place. This modifies the low-pass filter.
He also says "socket and voila.

He also says: "It's super easy if you already have a prosound mod."
Thats because you only need to do the caps and touch nothing else.

Nice! I'll be ordering those caps to do the mod!

Yeah I was looking at both. tongue

Probably why I got super confused haha

Will stick with the first one in that case

Ninten Kwon Do wrote:

thats not true. I fucking hate myself.

herr_prof wrote:

No I am more racked with self doubt than ever before.